It's not too confusing.
Yes it easy just read how the Patch notes:
"Due to the lack of anti-tank in the Special Rifle Command,
we are giving Penal Battalions a more focused roll as a dedicated anti-infantry unit."
(in other words buffing their SVTs)
"To address this,
we are removing some of the raw power of Penal battalions. At the same time, we are giving Penal Battalions access to some anti-tank utility to give Soviet T1 some tactical versatility, which it previously lacked."
(in other words we are keeping their buffed SVTs just removing flamer/ourah while giving them PTRS/AT satchels)
"The cost of the structure has been reduced to improve its pick rate over the Special Rifle Command as a starting building, and make back-teching for team weapons slightly cheaper."
(now one does even have to get PTRS and can keep the AI since one can back tech)
Penal battalion remain dedicated anti-infantry with high vetted bonus and got AT capability and a 1 shot snare and the T2 become more accessible so that they can back tech.
One could stick with the original plan and have T1 as dedicated AI and use the doctrinal and stock units available to fill the gap. Unit like the Guards, M-42, SU-76, Dhsk, 120mm would have reason to be used if one decided to T1.
One could stick with more "flexible" T1 and follow the PF designed. The unit start weaker and has to buy upgrade to be either AT or AI.
Or one could keep changing routes get the current mess.
Now follow the satchel:
Originally a Anti garrison weapons.
Then becomes "sticky" and a snare. Then "sticky" part is removed but the engine damage stays.
In mean time the AT satchel gets more AOE and more friendly damage so that the vehicles can take revenge on Penal.
The satchel has no reason to cause engine damage, the At satchel has no reason for a Large AOE and friendly damage and PTRS penal have no reason to have access to normal satchel.
All these are byproducts band aid solutions without reverting changes that should be changed when another path was chosen.
Returning to my suggestion about maxim spam part of the problem was that one could spam maxim fast enough as the enemy could spam infatry and thus they become unflankable. By reducing the speed that someone can spam maxims one can make the strategy allot less viable.
That can be done by making T2 available later with a number of way like:
Replace C.E. with conscripts as a starting unit, increase fuel cost or reduce starting fuel so that the T2 is further delay or/and increase built time of building and/or increase build time form maxims.
Currently Soviet have more stock option available than other factions like spamming conscripts going t1 and going T2 and trying to make all of them equally attractive at all stages of the game, in all maps and with all commanders is simply a "fools errand".