Alright, Janne525 got the ''fix'' after working back and forth for a few weeks.
First you must add all your buildings in the map to an entity group and call this group eg_buildings
Then you replace the mapname_ID.scar with the following text:
function OnInitID()
-- [[ Markers ]]
-- [[ Squad Groups ]]
-- [[ Entity Groups ]]
eg_buildings = EGroup_CreateIfNotFound("eg_buildings")
Rule_AddOneShot(eg_buildings_Init, 0.125)
function eg_buildings_Init()
Modify_DisableHold(eg_buildings, true)
Do this AFTER you save the map, then extract the package in worldbuilder and still without saving the map you leave the worldbuilder.
Load up your map and you can proceed to play it without units being able to garrisson buildings.
Hope this was clear enough!
Thx mate..