Can you elaborate more on the terrain issue?
Just want to see if anyone here finds that T34/76 is still worth producing. If yes, under what circumstances?
I'm not 100% sure how things are, but this is the general idea I got, by reading here in the forums, but also from experience:
Tanks tend to shoot over their targets, because of how scatter/accuracy works. This practically means that it's easier to hit a unit that is moving away from the tank, and it's easier to miss a unit that is moving towards the tank.
This is also the reason (I think

) that you see shots that miss the target and fly 3 screens away on terrain that is slopped downwards as you move away from the tank (if that makes any sense).
So, generally, you'll see that your tanks perform better against infantry if the terrain is slopped upwards.
From cruzz's The more you know thread:
A bit on scatter...
Scatter has two components, horizontal and vertical
Horizontal scatter is determined by angle_scatter, and is simply the amount of degrees that the round can deviate from the target position. Multiply by distance to target to get how far horizontally your round can be off from the target.
Vertical scatter is determined by distance_scatter_max, distance_scatter_offset and distance_scatter_ratio. Distance_scatter_ratio is the important bit here and works like angle except vertically. So again multiply by distance. The result will be capped by distance_scatter_max, in case the range*ratio value would be higher.
Distance_scatter_offset will determine the percentage of rounds that over or undershoot. As 0 means an even distribution in the area, a value of 0.57 (which is also the highest overshot in the game) like on the IS2 means that 50+0.57*50 = 78.5% of shots overshoot. This is why standing in front of shotblocking objects and thus letting overshot rounds hit you is a particularly bad move against IS2. No weapon used by a unit actually has a negative value here, everything is either neutral (mortars) or overshoots to some extent (everything else). As such you should generally go towards the thing shooting at you if you want to dodge a shot.
As an example for the soviet 82mm mortar, barraging at range 53 (midpoint as min 25 max 80), your barrage area will be 0.08(angle)*53 = 4.24 horizontal and 0.075(ratio) * 53 = 3.975 vertical. Most weapons don't have much of a difference in vertical and horizontal scatter so you can just ignore the difference in numbers.
This is a bit smaller than the area shown on the barrage reticule ingame, which starts off at 3.75 at 25 and ends up at 7 at 80, while actually the barrage area will start off at 2 and end up at 6.4. Generally speaking very few targeting reticules are completely accurate and almost never take veterancy bonuses to scatter etc. into account. Some like the Ostheer mortar barrage at 14 max (actual: 7.2) are just ridiculously off.