I was in the same school of thought as you guys but then i realised during a match how everything in the doctrine just clicks.
If you use the flares. not only is it better than a recon run but it lasts quite a while and it allows your sexton to dish out some accurate fire thanks to the vision.
The valentine is basically an 80 fuel sight track that can defend itself and the sexton. Think about it. it has smoke to defend your sexton if you get rushed. the wallhack lets you see where his troops are worth bombing and the vet 1 ability lets you override the cooldown on sexton.
The 100 muni arty is amazing for the simple reason that you can call it down through the fog of war.
The only thing that's meh is the 12 cp sector arty to be honest.
This doctrine works best vs okw and going for comets with piats on sappers. piats are awesome btw.
Tl;dr sexton is pretty good with the doctrine's perks. OP munis and have fun. |
Is Panzer IV vet 2 changing model making sense? Then why not? 
P4 just gets armoured skirts. That's more of a modification than the overhaul of t34/76 to t34/85. |
It is not crying, moron, it is my feeling of playing Allies myself. 
Do you ever say anything that isn't loaded with venom and vitriol when discussing balance? I honestly believe you have a valid opinion on most topics but you just hurt your argument by how you express yourself. Cheer up will you. |
I would take consistent flame damage over crits to be honest. I would prefer a consistent product over inconsistencies any day of the week and that applies to all factions in my books. |
160 fuel for a stop gap.
at least the 222 has a purpose and place within the game, if it outlives that it's a bonus.
You gotta spend fuel to gain fuel. when you're at 6 cps and floating 180 fuel, getting a stuart is not a bad decision.
What's the purpose of the 222 anyway? that thing can't kill snipers reliably and is only good for spotting and killing the occasional m3. Other than that It is just a waste of a munitions upgrade. |
The stuart is actually not too bad. i use it as a stopgap when i go for easy 8 as American. I don't care much for the captain but that tier has the much needed AT guns to support the easy 8s.
The stuart is simply a stop gab along that road. The sight buff at vet 1 helps a lot for AT gun sights and the tank itself is a nice deterrent for obers, so they don't completely walk all over you.
Another great thing about it is if i manage to get a bit of vet with the stuart then i simply swap out crews with my fresh easy 8 to give me head start.
It's not the best light vehicle but it is certainly not the worst (*cough* 222). |
What do you mean of me pulling the plug?
It was 2 AM and I was pissed off by the M1919, you can say me ragequitting, because I don't care winning or losing while playing 2v2, I don't hesitate F10 Quit while I am pissed in team games.
so what you're saying is that what he said is correct. right? |
if you guys think it's super Op now then you should have seen it during the alpha. It's super toned down right now and is in a pretty reasonable state. |
Can you Soviet troll make some fucking sense?
All I read in this thread is some Soviet player celebrating that the uberOP German finally have some shit to eat. L2PADAPT trolllololol.
maybe you should try to use green cover. I heard it helps win games. |
This ain't the only unit they messed up. P IV is ridiculous now (have you seen its AI performance? It's pathetic. And against tanks its performance is even lower) and the panther is bugged not having the proper AP.
So what am I supposed to use, now when soviet tanks are better? They should not have nerfed german armor, they should have just buffed the soviet one, or the other way around. Nerfing german armor while buffing the soviet armor cannot lead but to an unbalanced result. Which is what we have now.
In short:
- Stug is no more a self-propelled AT gun, now is something between a horse and a mule ("good" on infantry meaning that it has a chance to kill a couple of models from a...oh yes.. 6 men squad, while its AT performances decreased considerable compared to what soviet armor is in present) - to those saying "so what"? please read on internet sources what Stug III G used to be; I am not delighted by the cost decrease like others, I prefer to have a fair price for something I can use instead having a small price for a shit.
- P4 and Panther as said above adding the fact that Panther is currently an expensive bad idea.
- Didn't use tiger call-in yet so I don't know if they messed up this unit too. Even if they didn't, now tiger comes at a tone of CPs and Elefant too. So virtually when you have the proper units to stop the soviet armor avalanche, the game is potentially lost.
Some of you will say "use combined arms", use combos like P4 + ostwind, stug + tiger, and others in order to have a well rounded force. May I ask you then why only german faction needs to use combined arms while soviet one needs just spamming?. They spammed cons or maxims before. Then for a while no spamming would work and they needed to use combined arms and crying all day on forums. All this crying paid off and now they can spam more cons, maxims AND T34s with no control. For what a T34 does, the price is to low, believe me.
From what I saw, the only chance to win against soviets this patch in 2v2 and 3v3 is to deny their fuel as much as possible in order to prevent early or mass tank production. In a balanced situation (1 fuel point at german team, 1 fuel point at the soviet team, at an equal number of caches) german team will most probably lose because of the unbalanced tank solutions.
Now feel free to soviet troll or call me a nazi fanboy whatever. Actually these official forums are so full of disguised soviet fanboys that are making me sick.
it must really suck to have to earn those victories now huh? |