Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: Favorite Tank Destroyer20 Feb 2016, 19:40 PM
Toss up for me between Stug, JPIV and Firefly, but chose Firefly because of its really nice alpha strike ability and great vet. Honestly, any of my 3 could have been my vote. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Add "lock turret" ability to AVRE19 Feb 2016, 01:23 AM
I agree, I was puzzled by this change which removes player control. This would effectively be a slight nerf to this unit. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Valentine's day Decal announcement 19 Feb 2016, 01:20 AM
First post, much rage. Is a decal that important? And wouldn't a contest based around Valentine's Day require you to play on that day? Maybe if you are lucky they will change the requirements and give it out anyway. Seriously though, its just a decal. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Cruzz's The More You Know18 Feb 2016, 23:35 PM
Indeed they would, but not being able to hit anything, is a bit of a problem. Though I agree, I was being hyperbolic in my post. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Nerf the panzerwerfer already18 Feb 2016, 21:51 PM
Hmm.. I don't know that it's correct to compare the Katty with the PWer guys. The squad size argument can no longer be used in light of Allied factions sometimes having 4, and some German units having 6. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Cruzz's The More You Know18 Feb 2016, 21:46 PM
Wow...I mean...I guess...this should be moved to the top of the list and fixed even if it would mean delaying the new patch. Infantry vet, which is kinda of a big deal, is critical for play, and I feel like I have been playing another game then. This also explains why scripts are just soooooooo bad at the 15 minute mark. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: British Mortar range is too damn high18 Feb 2016, 21:40 PM
Mortar pits are really annoying. In fact, all emplacements are crap to play against. These are hold overs from COH1 when Brits were designed to be played by people interesting in beating the computer on bridge maps. Now the emplacements in COH2 encourage the same sloppy behavior. I would like to see them removed (they won't be), and am concerned at the way in which they can lock out large sections of the map with limited micro. In any case, they need some buffs and nerfs to help them at least make for interesting gameplay. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Feb 17th Stream Summary18 Feb 2016, 21:36 PM
I think this only partially true. Many of the strengths the Allies currently offer are locked behind commanders, both of the worst offenders are coming in line. People without them (me) have not been able to feel such a huge impact on their games and will actually feel like overall the Allies are still in need of buffs. I suspect that in larger game modes things will swing firmly back into German hands, and in smaller modes the field should be more level again. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Feb 17th Stream Summary17 Feb 2016, 21:41 PM
Which was why it wasn't fair. It always got to chase down an injured squad. This also caused problems because model loss was inconsistent, sometimes 3 models would die on one hit, sometimes it would clip a piece of green cover and nothing would happen. The MG makes the DPS vs. infantry more obvious and provides the observant player more counter play. Play with the unit first, then we can decide if the changes make it too lackluster to afford slowing down Cromwell purchase. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: JU-87 vs P-4717 Feb 2016, 21:39 PM
Took me a second to read this correctly, clearly P47's rockets need to be more effective at hitting tanks. Playing USF late game is pretty miserable right now. In: COH2 Gameplay |
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VSFullMetalDesa no pasaran Kansas Kobra KcatImagelessbean [AEF] Appleseed CKOPПIOH (UA) KowalskiBugged AT gunby: Imagelessbean map: Essen Steelworks1-1,231
VSImagelessbean ManxMarriner Richarddear||AD||1215[TATUZ] Black Dynamite [TATUZ] Blue Semtex? [TATUZ] White TNT?ISU 152 nerfed, you decideby: Imagelessbean map: Rzhev Winter1-1,230
VStorr CaptainDipshit Mandalore TheGuyWhoLikesCatsImagelessbean Von Strachwitz Goldeneye ZymoranGermans are the bestby: Imagelessbean map: Lienne Forest1-1,217
VS[WF] *- ObS!d!@ Fr - InF -__mok (FR) _fireStarter TingedDragoonRealtiger Imagelessbean yyoung2010