I am also concerned about Brit SimCity. I find more and more I have to pick Jaeger armor against Brits to ensure I can deal with late game armor since mid game is basically a wash once the first mortar pit goes down. With 50 munition repair abilities and brace the Wehr struggles to deal damage fast enough to dislodge Brits. This does not mean they are balanced, it just means that gameplay is extremely static and boring.
Against OKW it feels a little more even, but even so having to get ISG's every game against Brits gets old fast.
The decision to build a commander around SimCity style gameplay only confirmed to me Relic is not serious about changing the nature of emplacements in the game.
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: Sim City1 Mar 2016, 16:35 PM
In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: The Royal Artillery Regiment1 Mar 2016, 16:27 PM
This Brit commander is the worst (and the Sexton one of the worst units in the game now), but all stock British commanders need immediate attention. Changes to the AVRE (no hold fire button) have left if being almost useless as it spins 500 times before you can get the turret to line up on the now gone target. Commandos are in a doc with 4 munitions abilities, of which 2 of them are extremely high ~200 or >300 per shot. Final complaint, why does Brit crew repair work on all vehicles? Shouldn't it be case by case like Soviet crew repair? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: New 3v3 and 4v4 Maps1 Mar 2016, 16:22 PM
Montargis" first impression: too chokepointy. Agree 100%. For instance to attack the double fuel (which you have to do once you lose it or you will get rolled), you can attack from only two locations (a third is only available if you walk into your opponents base). Both of these are uphill (negating AT guns basically), both funnel down simple roads, both lack cover, and both have buildings overlooking them where MGs can hang out. This leads to another problem: fuels can effectively never be split between teams since the capture of one necessitates the capture of the other. This map is not appropriate for high level play since a single engagement can decide the game immediately. It also distracts from the rest of the maps since everything is ancillary until the fuel is captured because you get 2 VP points just for spawning in your own base. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: New 3v3 and 4v4 Maps29 Feb 2016, 15:36 PM
First congratulations to all the map builders who go their map in rotation. I would like to discuss the two new larger game mode maps. Pros: Map has a variety of interesting combat spaces Map is visually appealing Clutter on roads is limited to facilitate vehicle pathing Cons: Map has no clear flow Completely uncontestable victory points 5 VP points is (in my opinion) not fun, it leads to huge losses of VP tickets just by retreating once High income points are near one another and therefore easily covered by a single indirect fire weapon Few pathways for infantry without narrow choke points Fuel has only two entry points, is distant from base, and can be covered by Vickers with vet from so far away that units cannot get close enough to threaten Strange choices in placement of hills and relief (makes AT guns very inconsistent) Loss of any high resource point almost guarantees loss of other Factions without FRP at extreme disadvantage Summary: The map is fine for custom and comp stomp games, but cannot be a competitive map because it lacks the basic requirements of focusing gameplay and providing realistic opportunities to flank and unseat opponent. Map should be removed from automatch, currently a veto for me. Hill 400 Pros: Really interesting cutoff set up Map is basically symetrical with difference distinct enough to make sides easily understanable Limits on buildings encourages good MG placement and movement of infantry Map is simply pretty Clear flow in gameplay from start to end Addition of towers does not seem important, but at least is balanced and does add a bit of flavor Cons: Indestructible tree sections really encourage camping at borderlines and emplacements from Brit players Reduction of some elements outside of active fighting areas could assist vehicle pathfinding Summary: I have not played much on this map yet, but I think it will be a good addition to the matchmaking rotation. Some elements could be tweaked to improve map. Edit: Now with correct map names. Sorry for the confusion. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: 23-mm IL-2 strafe26 Feb 2016, 21:16 PM
Elchino is it possible that when the strafe has no enemy unit inside that the plane targets a nearby unit and therefore unloads its entire salvo there instead of spreading it out over an area? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Changes For Tulips?26 Feb 2016, 21:10 PM
The tulip should remain as is, unless addressing the extreme low RoF of the Firefly, and the potency of German super heavy TD's, which require a Firefly alpha strike in order to even allow the Firefly a chance to kill them. I agree that the damage to medium tanks is quite high, and disappointingly so. Technically if you are playing against Fireflies you are supposed to keep your mediums on the move, and use infantry based AT to help you punish the selection of a strict TD. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: I strongly dislike chateau de luvnest26 Feb 2016, 21:07 PM
As a reminder, if you dislike a map, which you are entitled to, please do not belittle the creator. Maps are designed by real people, and sometimes they don't go as planned and sometimes they function in one way and not another. This should not stop you from discussing the strategic weaknesses that make a map unsuitable for competitive play. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Revert Matchup Changes26 Feb 2016, 14:39 PM
Dang, just as I feared. This is not a bug so much as a problem with player pop. As player pop falls fewer equally skilled players are around making matching take longer, this causes more players to quit and the cycle continues. Unless they decide to revert the matching requirements this will only encourage smurfing by finding new partners to pair up with for your first 10 games where you can match with anyone. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: GAME BREAKING BUG (again)26 Feb 2016, 14:01 PM
Happend to me also, I got a royal engineer squad with 5 flamers. And wasn´t trying to get multiple I just got 5 for 60 munution. How was the anti-garrison power of that squad? High enough for you? @OP Please explain how you got this to happen so we can try it. In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: WAR PAINT - WINNERS ANNOUNCED25 Feb 2016, 16:00 PM
Will these new skins be drops, also? To my knowledge anything not a reward bulletin can be dropped, so yes. Also, wow just wow. Really nice skins, all extremely well done. In: Lobby |
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