What are you talking about? Instead of posting 2 new threads in a day, why not contribute to your active thread and learn about how to get better?
If you want some advice why not ask instead of saying game is completely out of balance. Post some replays, but please stop making these threads.
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: Why were snipers and flame units removed from US?18 Apr 2016, 22:39 PM
In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: April 20th Update18 Apr 2016, 21:43 PM
Maxim nerfs make sense, but without the death loop problem addressed, which is a glaring problem. Nerfs to the emplacement doctrine to hold over until it can be further nerfed I assume when counter barrage is altered. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: 30muni mine balance18 Apr 2016, 18:20 PM
Mines, to my mind, are fine, expect for wiping full health squads because of bunching, but that is a squad mechanic problem not the mine. Mines are designed to slow you down. If you don't have time to sweep you run the risk of hitting them. I have zero, and I mean zero, concern about 1 shot wipes from units infiltrating from buildings. You chose that risky action and you must live with it. Demo's are pretty stupid because they are simply designed to wipe full vet squads. These should come down in price and power, and instead function to help break up blobs, injure infantry, deal with structure, and devastate buildings. I dislike the way in which they can wipe lone squads so easily. To be fair about demo's the goliath is even stupider and needs some slight nerfs. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+18 Apr 2016, 14:37 PM
Hmmm...I guess its been a while since I was told L2P, so this was bound to come up. I don't know how you lost one to a T34 ram, which at best might (small chance) penetrate the front and get a damaged engine, which still leaves the JT to continue to fire. If you cannot find AT support to deal with 2 T34s in a team game then you have lost already. By that point in the game you should have shreks on 3-4 volks squads, you probably have an AT gun, you may have 1 additional tank yourself (with vet), and any teammate should have anything from 1-4 tanks nearby. Since the enemy has to penetrate into your lines to kill the JT you can lay mines whenever you want, and since you will be floating munitions at this point you should have them everywhere. I don't mean to sound rude, but before you call me out on L2P, please make sure the scenario you describe is one in which better play is the issue. I and by Mr. Smith's contributions, have laid out a solid argument for why the JT appears to be over performing in its current place. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+14 Apr 2016, 19:40 PM
This is partially because the JPIV gets invincibility at vet 1. But even so, JPIV has to expose itself to fire (although on briefly) to deal with opponents tanks, JT does not. The issue here is not the JT balance in 1v1 and smaller game modes for which I find its drawback sufficient. Even in larger game modes I think it a reasonable unit at some level, but its ability to deal with Allied units in a way that exposes it to little to no counterplay I find troubling. The changes that have been suggested do not in any way affect the performance, other than to give the 17pdr a chance to fire at it, but instead make it more of a luxury item instead of a replaceable TD. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+14 Apr 2016, 12:39 PM
For those arguing that the JT does nothing to infantry. This is entirely incorrect. The JT is still dangerous to infantry and at vet 1 its ability makes it a defacto artillery piece. Not investing heavily in TD's is arguably not an option in 4v4. At least one other player will have multiple tanks, and the Allied side needs to maintain enough AT to deal with fast flanking panthers. I also mentioned that "cheap tanks" are near impossible to trade effectively with the JT, especially against an OKW opponent with plentiful AT. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+13 Apr 2016, 23:27 PM
If 17 had range increased then pak 43 probably should as well. Either they are the max range unit or not I think. Though no Allied tank has 80 range anyway. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+13 Apr 2016, 17:35 PM
Ok...so you just committed what appears to be half or more of your army to fight this unit. You also had to drive under its gun to fire, and the opponents did not move. The MT is ok, and frankly required to deal with its enormous health pool, but I don't understand how a turretless TD is supposed intimidate an effective AT gun. @Mr. Smith, I appreciate your responses. I also agree map selection is a problem, but we are unlikely to change the entire map pool. The unit itself will unfortunately need to be modified to fit better. In my experience, lesser skilled players are able to recover from a losing battle by slowly bleeding an Allied team to death with JTs. If the trade is slightly in the Axis favor, and they do it again pretty soon they are up 3 or 4 tanks on the Allied team. By making the unit appear slower the trade is still in favor of the Axis team but helps to allow the Allied team to also pick up steam again. About the emplacements, the need to force the JT to expose itself to damage, as you pointed out, is really the critical part of bringing the ranges in line. @Omega_Warrior, target tables could work as well to help redress the issue a bit. Artillery as you pointed out gets at most 1-shell on target. On it by default most be fired at near max range to prevent the JT from creeping foward and blasting the unit to kingdom come. @Stug life, Did you seriously recommend the Sexton to kill the JT? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+13 Apr 2016, 16:13 PM
May only allow 1 time call in? You wont be able to call in more than one jagdtiger in 1v1 anyway. In fact i cant remember seeing one in 1v1 or 2v2 This is my preferred as well, but Relic has clearly demonstrated a desire to remove 1-time call-ins. In all of COH2 there is only 1, and it was from a DLC commander that has received significant reworking and partially inspired the war spoils system. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+13 Apr 2016, 16:12 PM
Jagdtiger is Pak44 (128mm) not Pak43 (88mm). Note that I said: "It functions as a Pak43 on wheels..." not actually talking about caliber of gun here. obviously you can't remember the pre-nerf jagdtiger I do remember it and it was far too good. Right now though it can function in a similar manner because munitions income was increased but cost of piercing rounds was not. It also doesn't matter if the unit was OP before and is now currently slightly too strong. It still deserves attention. In: COH2 Balance |
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