Garrison and trench always apply. when you are attacking a squad in a garrison you need to remember that heavy cover is slightly better, and squads in buildings will usually not have all windows available. Use your units range to decide if you want to get close to the building or further away. IE: sturms go hug the building, rifles stay where ever there is heavy cover unless you need them out of the House ASAP.
You will mostly noticed this whenever you play Semoisky on the middle. It's kinda tricky to know whether you are on the 10 range against a house or not.
Note: trenches are not equal. IIRC some trenches function as garrison while others function as green cover. Which i think it's the case for the Brit vs OH/OKW one.
Sure it is less potent than the Wehrmacht sniper but you'll see people buy it at least to counter snipe.
Leaves SU sniper on hold fire cloaked with anticipation (cause i can't move from cover to cover as other snipers or heck other infantry units), can't kill enemy sniper cause he recloaks faster than the aimtime. Feelsbadman.
IMO if factions relied less on certain commanders, you could make some doctrinal solutions with certain infantry squads.
For USF: Pathfinders. It's been a long time since i saw someone using this unit besides double bar trolling. If LT wasn't "dead", M20 would be your choice to kill it.
For OKW: i think it would be stupid to simple buff JLI, but if there was a unit, that should be it. PF also counter them with 6 man G43 squad. On it's base army, OKW can only counter by sheer amount of unit/firepower or with utility based vehicles which are not easy to deploy pass certain time (Kubel is good if vet1, IR HT for teamgames).
Timing. Each of this vehicles arrive at different minutes.
I do think that you could nerf Stuart burst damage against infantry (target table: main gun damage from 80 to 60).
If you want to nerf T70 burst, reduce main gun dmg to infantry from 40 to 30 and compensate it on it's MGs. The "easy" compensation of auto repair cost 60muni per use. If you want to clone perf with P2, increase HP to 400, reduce pen on main gun, make self repair remove crit instead of healing after X time (or just remove it). '
I just really wish we have scatter/clump up function for precisely this reason. Clump up to better take advantage of cover and scatter to avoid indirect. It's a basic function since AOE, how hard it is to implement into the game?
Some modder should step up but i don't think you can have dynamic formations.
-Abandoned vehicles
I do not think it's such much of an issue after they added the engine crit. I would remove it from mobile artillery although.
Regarding issues with the game, there are certain ones which can be fixed and others which unfortunately can't (commander system or the simple garrison mechanics).
If i stay on the topic of things that affect all maps and all factions:
-My votes goes to squad pacing (specially for certain units) on the open, while crossing light cover and/or bunching up of models.
-Weapon upgrades. They should be sidegrades (PPSH like) rather than non brainer power ups.
-Lack of unit control. Manual reload and having hold fire on all units should be an option.
If we talk about certain factions:
-FRP. More decision making than just a toggle.
-Spam design factions (OKW/USF/UKF/SU*) which are a result of limiting their teching options. It didn't work for SU, you make the same mistake twice again (LT/Cpt and Medic/Mech).
*SU spam maxim against OKW but that's mostly due to OKW lack of real options early on (ISG is really not design to dislodge them).
-Powercreep. #makevet1greatagain for EFA and #equalopportunities for repair speed.
I would like to be wrong but we are beyond the point on which we can rebalance/tweak the whole ecosystem of units timing and performance.
As you say, the problem with light v./tanks is that if they are not good enough, then they are useless as they have a limited timing to do something. If you are not effective with them, the fuel cost to tech or produce them puts you behind.
Early game:
Early/mid game light vehicles n tanks tend to have certain utility which might make them more attractive but still not enough to rebuilt them past certain stage.
So we get to the following points:
"IF we go with the premise that we do reduce their AI perfomance" what do we do with them:
A)Light v./tank phase
-Should we extend the time of this phase by delaying mediums? (Nightmare. OH relies on call ins for this "stage" and some counters are delay too much (arty or mediums to push certain compositions)
-Should we make them cheap fuelwise and adjust teching instead? (This is a nightmare having so many factions with non linear tech)
It looks like a bad idea to change any aspect of this right?
B)If messing with timings is not good, what about utility? The game has proven that raw performance is better than utility. Even if Stuart has 2 of the strongest abilities in the game (snare and stun) who makes them on the late game. Utility is nice to have but the cost to access it just for it, it's too prohibit on a real game.
IMO, in order to make them useful on the late game, they would require to be both cheap on the late game (make them cheaper with further levels of tech) and have utility abilities beyond pure raw performance (scouting, AA, moving troops, healing, capping, reinforce, snare, denial, resource manipulation, etc.) taking in mind that we are also nerfing the AI.
But TBH this might be a design decision. Not all units are meant to work through the whole game.
I know u hate light vehicles, but you are overblowing their performance.
T70: has crap AT performance. 40dmg and 50avg pen. You can finish off light vehicles, you can't kill them 1v1 on a reasonable amount of time. If you reduce AI, make it more like the Luch. 400hp and steady damage instead of "burst" kills coming from the main gun. You could improve the MG but nerf the main gun against infantry by using target tables (simil to PTRS).
Stuart: the AI is highly RNG based. Whenever the main gun lands a shot it kills something but the MGs are not amazing. I wouldn't mind seen a nerf on the main gun against infantry (again target tables).
At the very begining there were 3 types of commanders: the ones that you could get by progression, ones that were given to people who pre-ordered and the ones that went only to people who got the extended/deluxe/whatever more expensive edition.
The commanders from last group couldn't even be bought by others for quite a long time after release. If I remember correctly they were released for sale about the time first iteration of war spoils came out. So it was something elite for the time. The only problem being that these commanders are generally trash ones.
It would have been unfair if these were better than vanilla ones though.
The problem is that the "Deluxe/Limited" edition was not really "Limited" so people were kinda screw on that sense. Besides a nice faceplate there was practically no difference between reserving the game or buying it on day 1.
PD: combined that with one of Relic's post saying that there won't be any microtransaction/DLC which would affect gameplay (commanders)... But this topic is just beating a dead horse.
What is your opinion on Aura healing in the game?
- Turn all heals into aura heals (bye bye, medics!)
- Keep things as they are (OKW self heal, USF/UKF aura heals)
- Turn all aura heals into squad heals (read proposition
-Improving the medkit vet1 ability is a 3 year overdue. I'll even say buff the healing speed, from what i guess is 4hp/s to 5.33hp/s (15s).
-Both OKW healing options are interesting.
On wider approach to OKW tech, i'll slightly reduce T1 cost, use this global medic upgrade*, split the OKW T3 unit access while gating the AA gun behind an upgrade.
Say now T1 cost 4/5 it's current cost. T3 without AA gun and access to Ober/JPIV cost 3/5. Then the AA gun would cost 2/5 of it's current cost + the differential of T1.
*If possible, make it so that you can choose ONCE where you want the medics to spawn for free after the upgrade. Further would require 60muni expenditure.
-I don't have a strong opinion with AoE/self heal. I'm on the it's fine on a general sense.
-Simil opinion as before with the Brits healing.
I wouldn't mind a long cooldown AoE automatic healing only useable near HQ/Glider/FA which disables combat capabilities. It should be worst than the medkits and if possible scale with number of models (so you don't just leave a 1 model IS as passive healing).
Rosbone: It is also hard to expect Relic to help Coh2 when they cant even make working menus in Coh3 yet, 2 years after release and at full price+ for DLCs. Thats like asking a fish to do calculus. Today, 02:58 AM
Rosbone: But this last patch has made good progress for grabbing players. All we can hope is Coh3 gets to Coh2s quality level before everyone abandons the franchise. Its Relic so they will completely f*%k it up as usual. But its a hope/cope. Today, 02:55 AM
Rosbone: Relic wants Coh2 to fail so players will migrate to Coh3. It is hard to blame them since Coh3 sucks so bad. It needs all the help it can get. Today, 02:53 AM
Soheil: Coh2 is dead , full of map hackers , and lelic knows that but ... Today, 01:26 AM
aerafield: Oh how I missed the weird spam bots, welcome back Yesterday, 13:05 PM
situsgbo777: Platform game online terpercaya dengan berbagai pilihan permainan seru dan peluang menang besar. Nikmati pengalaman bermain terbaik hanya di GBO777 Yesterday, 06:48 AM
OKSpitfire: @aerafield that does sound familiar Last Sunday, 09:06 AM
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. Last Saturday, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed Last Saturday, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck Last Saturday, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster. Last Saturday, 11:44 AM
NigelBallsworth: axis stuff is getting more meme by the second Last Friday, 23:32 PM
aerafield: Cloaked instapin MGs at 0cp. I wanna see no more crying about the Dingo while that shit is in the game Last Friday, 20:38 PM
Willy Pete: And only on annihilation, and I have to let the AI live long enough... Last Friday, 02:04 AM
Willy Pete: Pershing is absurd, but ive still only gotten to use it against AI Last Friday, 02:03 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Pershing for Axis, that is all Last Thursday, 13:32 PM
donofsandiego: Return of the chatGPT writing prompt. Lets see how shinasukac responds to these questions utilizing the Socratic Method. Maybe he will give us an interesting look into his opinions Last Thursday, 02:34 AM