CoH 3 is just missing something and I have no idea what it is.
it's a conglomerate of atmospheric downgrades:
Graphics more dull
lack of weather effects like snow etc.
sound effects much worse, they don't pop. compare the mg42 sound. or vehicle explosions
the zoom is much farer away. that 's because of the whining of the casuals. also you can't tilt the camera much anymore.
bad Choice in many colors. too much brightness
the game is good nonetheless. however i don't understand how a game released 10 years ago looks and sounds better.
It is definitely not that. They are niche because the average gamer does not want to invest 1000h into a game just to learn the basics.
Why are MobAs the most popular genre then? |
Because RTS is a niche-genre since 15 years already.
It is a niche genre because they rely on the same uninspired mechanics and don't see the obvious. and i asky myself why |
Why isnt there a RTS with using more than boring Rock paper Scissors and health bar Mechincs
CoH uses Angles, Sourroundings, Elevation, Supply Lines, Soft Counters, Ranges, which all affect gameplay and make a cool mix.
Why is there no developer who sees potential for more interesting mechanics than rock paper scissors? |

Donnie looking for threads to necro
It's interesting to see how many nonsense talkers were in the balance forum in 10 years. Also i think there is a good portion forum crybabies which caused relic to make stupid balance decisions |
Jaeger Light Infantry are the hot topic of the balance forum at the moment, with their very high damage and low cost leading to spam and lots of angry forum posts.
Most of the suggestions involve toning down JLI's damage to cost ratio: pushing them up to 280-300 MP is the usual suggestion, with others involving toning down their ambush and sniping bonuses or increasing their munitions cost.
But what if you left their damage alone, and toned down their durability instead?
- Jaeger Light Infantry squad size from 4 men to 3.
- Sniper Rifle unlocked automatically.
- Possibly increase their range slightly.
This'd keep JLI's performance pretty much the same in the role they're designed for: sitting at the back in a cover fight getting snipes, with other infantry screening for them.
However, they'd be more vulnerable to their counters (CQC and vehicles), making spamming them not viable at all. You'd need other squads to screen for them, much like protecting a sniper.
You could do something similar for Pathfinders too: drop their cost substantially, but reduce them to 3 men. That'd make them high damage, high LoS recon squads that can dish out a lot of damage but really don't want to be taking fire themselves.
Good Suggestion OP |
??? OKW is my most played faction. And if I lose I certainly don't blame the balance
You on the other hand bawl your eyes out on forums and ingame chats how unfair the balance is every time you get rekt, especially against brits, and I witnessed it myself
butthurt much? |
Almost like the people who said OKW was well designed 
Can you finally tell us all which was that Allies game you lost that hurt you so much? |
for years i read so many nonsense posted here. there are 362 pages in the balance forum. people who understood absolutely nothing, but were allowed to spout out their rubbish there
i remember the people who said brits are "well designed".
the guys losing a game and blaming the game for it all the time. i'm pretty sure balance designers got influenced by those [***]
i remember some chinese guy complaining about the Wehr flamer haftrack which nobody cared about for ages and it got nerfed afterwards |
So overall, I think WF is pretty good, and I'm really enjoying the new game mechanics. I always liked playing Americans, and now that they're back, I'm pretty happy. Sure, the Axis seem stronger, but it's always been like that. The Americans have lots of flexibility and lots of options. Right now though, I feel like Jerry Seinfeld, saying, "so what's the deal with these sturmpios ?" Its a unit that's available pretty much right away, and I'm running into lots of them, from early game all the way to the bitter end. They kill any infantry they come across, regardless of cover. The only hope I have is to upgrade inf weapons, but that comes later in the game. Meanwhile, capping around the map is next to impossible, which is one of the only ways for the Americans to maintain an advantage. As soon as sturmpios show up, I either retreat or die. Like I said, I know Germans have lots of these elite troops (FJ, PF, sturmpios, OS...). I feel like sturmpios come too early and do way too much damage. Sure, they're expensive to reinforce. Still...I lost 2 rfn, and 1 RE squad to 1 sturmpio squad in one game.
Good Point OP, agree |