I love KV2 and Im waiting for fix for ages.
Currently KV2 is pudding and MP - > fuel is punishing you.
I would like to see something like OKW rep truck, so I can turn on/off conversion whenever I want.
As for KV2,this unit has a lot of issues which need to be fixed.
I love it too, but don't even use it when I go SI due its high cost and poor performance  |
The new teching made windustry a little more viable since you get both of the core vehicles (34/76/SU85) from the same building but at the same time the teching made it extremely manpower costly but still this commander is one of the "troll picks"
This commander really needs some kind of an adjustment to Building costs (For example halving the MP cost of buildings) and/or maybe lowering the MP cost of vehicles by 25%(?)
From my experience I do think at least a 33% MP reduction would be required to make late game production viable at the current level. I think infantry MP reinforce/buying costs should be raised in that case so the mid game doesn't become a vehicle and infantry wave that is a win or lose battle, but more a consistent flow of vehicles as the intention was. |
Well I don't want to argue because you are indeed right, but I only want to add that you are right practically. Theoritically infantry squads are still able to be produced in an urgent need to cap some points. I'd like it to stay that way.
Aha, well comrade, you have forgotten the glory of Soviets vet 1 tank abilities
The decreased pop cap of the T34 will really alleviate this problem (it's going down to 8, which I have hoped/asked for for a long time!). When I play industry I usually have a few vetted T34s around, but you will be relying on your allies to a certain extent for capping it's true.
Whoa man. Without a way to obtain manpower this is not suitable.
It would work the same as at the moment. You'd have to save enough manpower to at least have T4 up and to reinforce your army for some time if you desire. You're signing the eventual death warrant for your infantry for the ability to keep up tank production all throughout the game.
Sure, if you activate it at 3CPs it would destroy your game, but that's the same as SI now  |
So the current strategy for Soviet Industry is floating a ton of manpower before activating it (usually I float till I have enough fuel for the first T34 and spare the infantry, around 1500MP). Early-mid game fuel is still the limiting factor, but around the 40-45 minute mark any industry player becomes crippled by manpower.
I think there needs to be a comprehensive change to SI that extends its viability in the late game while not increasing its early-mid game potency. I have two ideas:
1. Decrease vehicle MP costs by a %, increase/double infantry reinforce costs.
This fits in with the commander relying heavily on vehicles, limiting infantry play by keeping it prohibitively expensive while not causing such an unsustainable MP drain from tanks. Tanks used to be much cheaper MP wise which was the original point of this commander. I think 33% would be enough to extend sustainability a long way.
2. Decrease vehicle MP costs to nothing, stop all MP income.
This completely removes infantry sustainability as any you have is almost inevitably worn away, it doesn't vastly increase early game vehicle play which is very fuel dependent but makes late game possibilities very open.
3. Make Muni cost ability lasting x time that stops manpower income and doubles Fuel income or close to it.
This would at least make Soviet Industry more flexible in the late game, though it's my least favourite idea.
4. Give Engineers the scavenge ability from Tank Hunters. This refunds a fair amount of MP from what I remember. Again this isn't my favourite choice but would still improve things a bit.
Feel free to add any other ideas, I really like the commander but would like it to be a bit more viable especially in the late game. |
Haha nice one there!
OT guys guys I think the OP meant the bofors has a bit too high accuracy.
Mind you, I don't have a lot of experience playing against this so I shall not venture an opinion of my own.
After seeing it more it is horrific, kills infantry and light vehicles far too quickly even given how easily countered I feel emplacements are. |
Riflenade can be a real piece of crap, especially because the animation bugs sometimes and doesn't play. You can still fire it from the fog of war regularly, especially knowing an enemy position.
It's the easiest source of squad wiping in game (combined with LMG grens lasering left over models). It should definitely be more expensive, but then again Molis are solid this patch too but require actual teching.
During Brit beta riflenade seemed like it had been nerfed to decent levels actually, but that was reverted when they were released. |
YOu guys are forgoting the hallmark of this commader. 150 muny drop.
It change brits from mp heavy faction to strong combined arms faction that will survive until mediums hit the fiel and then with komets you know what to do.
It can be as broken as CAS smuny conversion if used properly.
Assuming you recrew with RE (no use if you use IS), it's going to cost you 104 MP for the AT gun and the Vickers (208 MP). Then reinforcing the RE is 78 MP; so you're paying a total of 288 MP after crewing the weapons and saving 272 MP for spending 150 munitions, which is under a 2:1 trade.
It's good, and in team games great for dropping to conscripts too (could allow no T2 from soviets). I've used it at least once every game with the commander but I'm not sure it's the world changing thing you describe. |
75 munition for any command vehicle of choice + free recon runs(which other factions has to pay for) + faster commander abilities recharge + command vehicle aura much better than other factions command vehicles   
Alright then
Horribly nerfs the tank you put it on (0.25 reload! 0.5 speed!) and costs munitions for the privilege, I've done it with a churchill surrounded by fireflys. It was like a fat mother duck trying to roll somewhere while all her retarded ducklings seize around her (firefly pathing anyone?), and that was on the open fields of Vielsam.
The recon runs seem to be shot down more than any other plane in my experience, an OKW flak base in the vicinity ensures it won't even reach the command tank.
Seriously you are paying the fuel, MP, pop cap and munitions for what is a piece of junk with a great aura for the rest of your army. Churchills become so slow. |
I have this commander and he can be meta in 1 vs 1.
1. command tank whitch doubles accuracy nad dps of every unit near its radiu + it get free recon that almost reveal whole eidhoven map when is command tankin centre.
2. for 150 muny you get mg and at gun + also your units fight A LOT better in friendly sectors. If you crew at gun and mg with pios you get something like 3 MP for 1 munition and USF sufferes from mp bleed so badly so even that mediccrate (like from luftwafle) and at gun + mg are worth.
3. that ability you pointed whitch is super great
4. scavenge enginners are bit of meh cause they cant build emplacements but still good for crewing and repairing and fighting for 430 mp
5. command hq that cost 60 fuel and 200 Mp
it give you big radius (crircle around it that covers 80 % of eidhover coutry map) where you can call smoke barrage for 60 muny , time on target arty (like usa one) for 120 munny
typhoon rocket plane + machine gun plane for 150 munny (ability from commander that have churchill crocie and hq glider)
and last think that is does is recon plane for 60 muny i think.
Overall great commander with great synenerzy of abilities
I haven't noticed it calling in a rocket plane as well as the machine gun one, are you sure it does? I'm a bit torn on the command HQ ability for it's price.
Can you upgrade scavenge engineers to heavy engineers with Anvil? |