Clearly none of you have played Diablo 3, where all your friends get the loot they want/need to hit a new level of Torment (that's a difficulty), while your stuck farming your Ring of Royal Grandure for days. RNG is not fun. It is frustrating.
you are wrong. think about flipping a coin. it is also totally random but what result will you get after 100 flips of that coin. Most likely 50/50.
If you want to know why this happens study statistics...
I think you'll find your mistaken. Computers don't work on statistics, they work on seeds. There is no guarantee you'll get an even split. The seed could always be against you, if you played at the wrong time (because the seed is often based on time for example) Go play Diablo 3 for a while and tell me. Not to mention its skewed when you include hundreds of outcomes. The reason we say "RNG is RNG" is because its random, and can take forever to get what you want. Diablo 3 is (i'll admit) worse in this regard because the loot that drops by random then gets random stats assigned to it. God, imagine if the same bulletins had different values or boosts... people would go nuts.
Another example: in monster hunter 3, theres a system where when you first create your game, you randomly get assigned a loot table. There is a chance this loot table is completely broken and doesn't drop jack shit for you. That's random. Your game is fucked at high levels because you have a shitty drop table, by random. The only way to resolve it is to start a new game.
Random is a poor excuse for progression. Its frustrating and stupid, when somebody just wants to try something out or find their favourite. Is that so difficult to understand?
I don't play COH2 for a loot simulator. I play it to enjoy the game, play it the way I want. I don't want to get beat because Jimmy got lucky and got that awesome commander I've never seen or heard of where he calls in two ace panzer 4's. I can't try it out myself because I don't have that. That's not fun, its not cool, and its not inclusive, especially if Jimmy played the same as me.