Part of the good fortune of being born American. The call-up age for UK went as high as 51 apparently But of course, UK is and was a far smaller country, both wrt population, as well as geographical size
Well, none of them were US born at the time. Most of the adults had been born in Poland or Russia and the kids in France. But being older, in the US, with kids, non-English speakers I can't see how they were high on the list unless they would actually enlist.
We had one family friend (my grandfather's first employee) who was on a boat that left Poland the day before the Nazis invaded. But he was young (11-13?) and by the time he was 18 and it came time for him to be drafted he spoke English (and had been working for my grandfather almost 4 years). His first deployment was in an armored division for the invasion of Japan. They were en route when news came the atom bombs were dropped and those units became the first occupying troops.
We both know he was extremely lucky to survive that.
It gets better. He escaped Auschwitz once, was recaptured, and was recognized by someone he knew when they were going to kill him. That person had him picked out for forced labor. I didn't realize until recently just how few actually escaped Auschwitz. Many many more survived the camps somehow than escaped them.
And he escaped death again at Gusen. That was where tunnels were where rockets and planes were built. The SS planned to blow the tunnels with all the laborers still in them but US forces got there a day before that happened. |
How is that too old? Isn´t fighting age 18-45 years? I know my grandfathers father was drafted at age 40 something though for 2nd line duties. Still was involved in combat.
Probably depends on what country you are in.
The ones who were in France were not getting drafted into anything and most were in hiding because they were Jews. The ones who made it to the US were not yet fluent in English having arrived here in mid-late 1940, and they were all already married and with kids. My grandfather taught himself English starting at the age of 40! By his death (at 98) he considered it his "first" language.
My grandfather made a machine design that he sold to a US manufacturer for $25,000 (at that time!) and used that to start a company that fulfilled gov't contracts during the war.
He also assisted the OSS on European (and particularly German) industrial knowledge since he was an expert in his field of was glass and optics. (He showed them every German company that did or could manufacture military optics.) |
Find out the units with whom he served and get their unit histories. Maybe contact them and find out what exists in the archives that refer to him or that he wrote. Officers had a lot of report writing responsibilities (see how often they show in Band of Brothers the officers at typewriters) and if he was a Capt he no doubt wrote a bunch of them. They may not be riveting descriptions of combat, but they will probably give you a good idea of what his responsibilities were.
I don't know how much your name reflects your beliefs or those of your grandfather, but my grandfather found much comfort in the Book of Psalms. #121 is very apt for when someone is facing their last days.
He's in hospice care, my mom said he might live 1 week, to as much as 1 month. I'm very sad to lose the old man, he's been a part of my life for, well, my whole life.
When he found out I had a huge interest in WWII, the nicest thing a relative has ever done for me, he gave me his old WWII-vintage Army-Captain bars. He finished the war as a Captain.
I got them in a display case along with my Uncle's Purple Heart and Bronze Star my Uncle got in the Battle of the Bulge.
My grandpa mainly fought in Africa and Italy during the War. In Italy in particular, he had a much higher opinion of the German's general, Albert Kesselring, than he did his own, Mark Clark.
My favorite story about Grandpa, one day we were sitting down to play a game of scrabble, and he spells out "A-N-Z-I-O" Anzio, with a triple word score with a Z. I tell him he can't use that since it's a proper noun. He then starts telling his old war stories about fighting in the Battle of Anzio, and god damn, it was such a great story, we wound up allowing it, and he WON the game. |
I agree.
War played havoc with faith, I think: my mother lost her faith after her pilot brother was shot down; but my father became quite religious, especially after V-J night, which was the only time he ever became drunk, knowing he was not going to have to fight the Japanese.
Your parents? You must be an older fart than me!
My father's generation were too young. They were children during the war. And his parents' generation (he had a few dozen aunts and uncles as his father was one of 10 and mother one of 9, almost all married) were too old, being in their 30s and 40s.
One Uncle served in the French Resistance (he has a page about him on the French Resistance website) and was caught by the Gestapo and interred at their HQ in Drancy and then at Auschwitz and finally liberated from the Gusen sub-camp of Matthausen. |
F this website. I wrote a huge response that got lost because the login got timed out.
Suffice to say we both know more than 99.9% of people about this, including most who think they are well versed in WW2. I have read much of what you have, but from different sources than you cited including the Aberdeen tests of the various Allied AT guns and if you don't mind I am stealing your description of 17pdr as "musket"-like.
As to the comparable advances of the allies, considering their supply restrictions in the first 3 months after D-day what they accomplished logistically was astounding. I have made the point before and would be happy to make it again that most successful operations in WW2 moved about as well as the supply allowed. It is easier to try and make a stand with a 30% effective force low on ammunition, fuel, rest and current intelligence than to advance with a 50% effective force that routed them that is also low on ammunition, fuel, rest and current intelligence.
BTW, the idea that the Allies were "bumbling" is how Germany lost the war. Think about it.
And more circlejerking over outnumbering 20% of the Wehrmacht. Hey, did you ever notice that it took the Western allies more time fighting less of the enemy to cover less ground than the Soviets? Hmm . . . it's almost as if western allies were a bunch of bumbling morons who could barely fight a war without spending weeks fighting over single towns before their numbers advantage came into play. That or using hilarious amounts of artillery to push tiny distances into German territory before being pushed back, and then trying again. And again. Until their opponents' lack of materiel and manpower gives way. See Caen and well... the entire Normandy campaign and the Gothic Line.
And turbotortoise, current Wargame has more detailed armor models and weapon profiles than CoH with 1000+ units with 30x the scale. Terrain is not simplified, in fact there is more varied terrain in Wargame than CoH with more gameplay implications. LoS is also truesight, just like CoH. Steel Division is going to be even more detailed than Wargame in terms of game mechanics and certainly more than CoH... Thats why Wargame series is so good, they don't sacrifice detail and depth for scale. They go overboard on all three. The learning curve is a bit much though.
One thing that would be fun to have them model (but OP) would be Time-on-Target artillery strikes. At the Elsenborne Ridge the US had I think 7 divisions' artillery available and one fire mission included all 4 on one target. (Imagine the whole world just blowing up.) |
IRL allied CAS was about as effective firecrackers vs tanks. Go look at allied CAS tank kill claims and compare them to actual unit losses. And Wirbelwinds and Ostwinds were operational in Normandy and although rare completely decimated Allied CAS IRL . . . It's not like Germany will be helpless. The meme of allied air strikes being entire panzer division killers is a meme I hope Eugen will chuck into the trash, unlike CoH devs who actually believe it.
Also the game takes place on the divisional level. It is only division vs. division. To historically balance German qualitative superiority allies will obviously have access to more unit availability per card and more offmaps.
When Eugen says they will make the game realistic they mean absolute realism in game mechanics and no unit hand holding. If a tank can't penetrate another, it won't. There is no deflection damage. Riflemen will have a 0% chance to win against Fallschirmjager. British Commando units will have no combat effectiveness outside of forests and town sectors. British infantry sections are not arbitrarily better, but will likely be worse according to history. A flanking shot on armor will almost always result in instant KO, just like in WG. Artillery without a spotter is worthless, hidden AT guns completely slaughter tanks.etc
A new mechanic similar to "teching" seen in kid RTS is appearing. As time progresses the battle will enter different "phases" and both factions would get stronger units/offmaps. It is said divisions like the 101st Airborne division will have early game advantage thanks to elite, numerous infantry and the Panzer Lehr division will be weak early game but have elite mechanized infantry and heavy armor as the battle drags out. This is authentic in some ways because a Panzer Division would not mobilize it's heavy armor unless absolutely necessary in a meeting engagement like Steel Division is portraying. And wow, the game is balanced theory wise in a realistic way without hand holding units.
Victory points are gained by holding more territory than the other so SS panzer divisions and the like would have to push hard to take back lost ground assuming they survived early game. Seems well designed to me. . .. ..... . . . . . . . .
OMG what garbage history did you learn? Or do you get your facts from neo-Nazi Youth magazines?
True, CAs was not as effective in the AT role as was thought during the war. But CAs was still very effective at killing all the things those tanks needed to advance, from light armor, to support and supply vehicles. That the Germans had difficulty moving during daylight hours was the truth, even if they didn't automatically lose their tanks to air power.
And most allied AT, including the Sherman variants, were also much better than their reputation. Furthermore, the reputation of Axis materiale was much higher than the reality due to many factors, from actually being under-engineered, to lacking the proper materials for the original design specs, to being too complicated in their design for easy field maintenance, to a plethora of designs and the supply issues that implies.
And one matter that is often unaddressed was the tremendous superiority of both the quality and quantity of allied artillery systems (equipment, training, and most of all, organization) over that of the Germans.
Likewise the quality of the troops. The average US infantry division was of superior quality (not to mention firepower) to a Wehrmacht division while possibly slightly lower quality than one of the elite divisions (since aside from Airborne, the allies didn't have "elite" divisions). Usually the big difference was in experience, not training. As '44 progressed US troops became much more effective, while German units, because of the attrition to their experienced troops, became less effective. Nevermind the "new" units that kept being organized who proved disastrously bad in combat against the now much more experienced US troops (see the battle of Arracourt where Shermans and TDs trounced a larger force of Panthers).
One has to remember that "memory" and actual accounts are finicky. Every Sherman crewman who bounced a round off a Tiger wishes he was in the Tiger. But the Tiger crew of a broken down or out of fuel Tiger wishes their tank too was better. But more to the point, the Wehrmacht infantryman wishes there were a whole lot more Tigers or Panthers or PIVs or StuGs when facing Shermans when they don't have any of their own armor in support.
There was simply no way you could combine the (turns out not so elite) German units and material into a force that can counter the allied artillery, armor and infantry SYSTEMS (logistics, support, synergy, training, etc.) |
Most important, Bug fixes. Then Balance, then anything else!
It is sad or lame or pitiful or or or that Relic is not fixing the Bugs that are in the game for soooooooooooooooooooooo freaking long.
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Balance changes (to make, rather than to make right) are the easy things. Fiddle with some numbers.
Bug fixes are the hard ones. One, you have to find out where in the code the bug is, and then hope the fixes you try don't break something else.
But sometimes the fixes are ones they choose not to make. In COH1 there was a bug in the m10 graphics that caused it to "misfire" (fires, but no round, losing a cycle). Modders fixed it early on and simply by disabling some of the open-top crew graphics. This could have been easily pushed out to everyone but it was never done. Perhaps because of a preference for the look?
I wonder if they get charged for patches by Steam, and that is why they prefer fewer but larger ones and ignore minor but easily fixed ones. |
I always had the idea that Relic cherished CoH more than they do and did CoH2. This interview pretty much shows this. Nothing will compare to the experience and fun that CoH gave me. The first time playing that game is something I have never experienced with any other game before or since.
I had that feeling once, maybe twice before. The other time for sure was the first SHogun Total War. as limited as it was by todays standards, the mix of an explore expand and conquer game with an RTS battle phase was astounding.
And when Civilization first game out. It wasn't as much "fun" but it was insanely addictive. ("... just one more turn....") |
The below is one of the more realistically possible proposals.
The options need to use essentially the same game engines as COH1 or COH2. For a company like Relic to make a new game essentially from scratch just isn't in the cards.
By 2018 or 2019 there will be a whole new crop of gamers, so maybe a new audience? Of course we will no longer be in the shadows of Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers, which laid the groundwork for the popularity of the games.
But sticking to the pieces that work means a COH3 (or even a COH2.5 made with much less resources) is possible. Take the factions and tree design of COH1 (or even just the original vanilla factions) and add a few doodads from COH2 (trusight, etc.). Add back target tables.
But I don't think it will happen. The designers of COH1 haven't existed since before Tales of Valor. There became a fetish for "difference" in the factions. (One has a mortar so another shouldn't, etc.) there wasn't an appreciation for just how similar Wehr and US were in comparison to today's COH2 factions, yet how differently they played despite that, and that went well beyond the bought vs. earned veterancy.
The US mortar was sort of like the Wehr mortar, the bike sort of like the jeep, both had AT tanks (m10s vs StuGs), medium tanks, light vehicles, AT guns. but the little differences (some bigger than others) and the different tech levels made them still feel very different. And the commander trees really did change the style of play and added to the strategic choices, rather than just a choice of doodads and upgrades.
But Relic today doesn't want that. The decision is that people want difference and the more difference the better. That flaw is proven by all the changes made since to smooth out those balances.
COH2.5, or a "new" COH1 is possible. Heck, modders could probably design it pretty well. It could (probably) be done cheaply. I am not sure in the age of Counterwatch, DOTA, etc. that there is an audience. But if made cheaply it could make money so you should use the older tools and design that had proved to work instead of redesigning it from scratch.
My hopes is that Relic learns from the mistakes of CoH1 and CoH2 and doesn't revive them in CoH3 when they run out of ideas for new factions.
This I hope that CoH3 will not see the likes of:
- Mortar Pits / Bofors / FlakHQ / Orbital Death Canons
- Forward Trucks
- Aura units that focus on BS raw buffs (e.g., UKF officer, P4) rather than utility (e.g., OST officer)
- Powerful, cheap call-ins invalidating expensive tech
- Dirt-cheap/free recon options invalidating true sight (UKF free recon, flares, etc)
- IR-halftrack, Kubelwagen, Valentine passive see-through in particular. I mean, come on.
With respect to Tank vs Infantry combat, I think CoH1 had a perfect balance:
- Both Tanks and infantry AT suffered from elevation/obstacles (in CoH2 zooks/schrecks are homing)
- Crushing infantry meant your tank would slow down. There was a clear trade-off
- Very limited snares that were difficult to pull off
- Infantry AT had a very long aim-time which made schreck-blobbing unreliable
- (except for 222's in CoH1. Those things were messed up)
I think some of the ideas of Tank-vs-infantry combat in CoH2 are pretty decent, but it doesn't feel even:
- Schrecks/Zooks have 0 aim-time and are homing missiles with super-long-range and guaranteed good-damage.
- Tank shells will just get stopped at the first possible elevation
- Instead, tanks have to rely on BS-strong crushing, of which Cromwell/M10 are ridiculously good at
- To fight this off, you have the proliferation of easy snares, everywhere. The latter makes snares feel like "A basic tool that all mainline-infantry should have", although it should have been a rare luxury, really.
- Finally, since you have snares everywhere, Light Vehicles should be BS-strong, so that they remain useful.
Overall, I prefer CoH2 over CoH1 (even though I preferred CoH1 at the launch of CoH2), but I believe that a CoH3 that marries the best of both worlds will be the dream.
Basically, CoH3 will be a great game if and only if no CoH3 faction has features that have any passing resemblance to any of the following two factions:
- CoH1 Brits (pre- and post-Kangaroo)
- CoH2 OKW at WFA-release