There are no permutations or combinations that would have worked. Germans were not ubermen in combat. Their generals, while more prepared for the war than others in the beginning, were not all Frederick the Great reincarnated, German technology and engineering was not ahead of everyone else, and more important than all of that, German industry was not close to large enough to withstand those of its opponents and there were no master plans to expand it.
Even after they had subsumed the industries of Czechoslovakia, and knocked that of France out of the war, they were at best a match for the UK and the Soviets (each taken separately) and well behind the US.
Even given time they could not have built up an army and air force that could compete against any two of these and also built up a Kreigsmarine that could challenge the British let alone the combined naval forces of the allies without the US.
There is no way to know for sure, but there are powerful arguments that the way things played out was possibly about as good as the Germans could have hoped to manage. They hit their opponents by surprise and when they were weakest. While they would have been stronger given time, so would the opponents.
(It is possible that maybe if they kept peace with France they could have gone after Russia, but of course they always were afraid for their western front, so I am not sure that NOT attacking France was a possibility, at least not in their minds.)
In a nutshell:
- Started war too early, the Wehrmacht was still developing by the time the invasion of Poland happened. The majority of the tank force was stop-gap training tanks like the early Panzer IIs. The Wehrmacht should have been properly built up and then tested in a minor brushfire conflict in a faraway land nobody cares about.
From there, Hitler had 2 options for conquest. Go take France and piss off the western world or go take the SU with very little other enemies.
- Invade Soviet Union. Don't dick around at Stalingrad.
- Invade France and in the battle of Britain, Hitler shouldn't have focused so heavily on terror and civilian targets and instead should have focused on military targets only. During the BoB, tons of radar stations and airfields were left untouched because Hitler wanted to focus on civilian population centers to break their will to fight. remove the threat first, little corporal.
- The Kriegsmarine was neglected. It should have been built up before any major war efforts were made. Naval landings, bombardments, and the protection of shipping lanes hurt Germany A LOT.
- Then there's a bunch of late war REALLY bad mistakes but you could fill a book with those.