You guys do not seem to get that baseball, chess, monopoly, and whatever else you want to cite are not in fact video games. The technology of a big wooden stick, a baseball, and leather gloves are about as advanced as its ever going to get. Any advances make the game unsafe(aluminum bats) or make it too easy (aluminum bats). Video games are technology, and do get outclassed. NHL 94 is not the norm by any stretch of the imagination. I am sure there are a couple of other examples similar to this, but there is a much bigger list of great games that are barely, if at all, played today. So please cut the straw man arguments.
Starcraft 2 is not dying quickly, but it is still dying. The coh community is dying, and will be a lot smaller when coh 2 comes out. But it will live on in that game, and possibly in a third installment later on.
So you are saying sports are unaffected by technology?
-Advanced camera equipment allowing instant replays and challenges for games such as American Football. Modern protective equipment that is lighter, more resistant and comfortable, allowing for more aggressive play.
-Advanced camera systems/boundary systems to allow for extremely precise boundary recognition in Tennis for challenges.
-New artificial grass types in soccer fields. Teams even complained during the last world cup, that the game had changed.
-New fluid mixtures inside soccer balls, allowing for them to be lighter and thus, faster, more sensitive shots (and misses).
Also, I am sure that advanced gym equipment and nutriology have affected the performance of most sports.
Is this the same as videogames? You are right, it isn't, technology goes hand in hand with videogames. BUT, a well designed videogame lasts A LOT longer, with much lesser patching in comparison, than a rushed game.
Examples: Painkiller, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counterstrike 1.6. They've all been patched, because they are, at their core, pieces of technology with glitches (you don't get glitched and bugs in real life), but the gameplay and metagame remained largely the same. The metagame and even initial design of SC, SC:BW or WoL has changed dramatically in its short existance.
Im not saying this is a bad thing, I'm simply saying that games like SC are so unforgiving to newcomers at a competitive level, just like MOBA's, that I simply don't see them becoming more popular than sports in the short run.
RL sports and traditional games have a much higher utility value than a videogame at a competitive level and a much, much more forgiving learning curve.