I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but I think the site should go beyond written guides to interact with the community. People have been commenting on how other games, such as LoL, SC2, DOTA, etc, have videos made to address very specific mechanics of the game, as well as to interact with the community a lot more.
I think CoH never truly had such a show. The closest thing I can think of was Tales of Heroes, where they would take Replays from the public and analyze them, but streaming was not as popular yet, and as such it never caught as much momentum as it could have. I know time and effort are needed to produce these, but hey, its worth a shot...
Is it possible for some of the dedicated casters of this community could do regular weekly casts? Set up a CoH2.org channel on Twitch, and two or three times a week, shoot up a live cast where you address specific mechanics of the game.
Think of how casters like Day9 do it. He's got a specific day of the week for people completely new to game, or where they just play monobattles.
It gets people engaged.
What's wrong with the current streams? Nothing. They're great, but at the moment they are very personal, very individual. Which is good, but it doesn't bring as much cohesion to the community.
You guys already have SNF, and I love it, but a lot of the things seen and heard in it, are only fully understood by the higher tier of players. IMHO, a lot of casual players watching SNF for the first time won't be very motivated to try a competitive environment, simply because they won't understand all the little things (although there are exceptions, and several here can attest to it).
Been playing CoH since 2006, and I still remember seeing players around level 9-10, using automatic weapons against garrisoned infantry, spamming fausts to kill an early sherman rush, not knowing snipers jump out of cover delays their shots, etc... in 2011. CoH has a very steep learning curve for competitive play.
So what am I suggesting?
Grab two or three people that love casting, and have a webcam. Schedule either several small shows a week, or one show in the style of SNF (but shorter, obviously).
What could the show contain?
- Very specific, in-depth unit analysis and mechanics: How to work aggressively in Blizzards, general MG Behavior (remember how in vCoH, the firing arc had shooting priorities? what % of the CoH playerbase do you think knew this?), specific unit upgrades, their effectiveness verus other units, etc.
- In-depth map analysis. Good mine positions, good MG spots, good routes, bad routes. Good starts, bad starts. Good building to garrison and others to avoid. etc.
- Discuss popular strategies, and viable counters (self explanatory)
- Assign a show for new/popular strategy guides written for the site. When the show ends, people watching it on Youtube (Twitch version doesnt support this) can simply click on a screen link, get directed to the specific written guide in the site.
If you were doing three shows weekly, one with each of those topics (and there can be a LOT more topics), you have at least a year of non stop content, without considering patch changes and the metagame evolution.
Besides the obvious, how can this help CoH2, and CoH2.org?
- It introduces casual players to the world of competitive play. From the very beginning of the game's release.
- You have a true audiovisual complement to the website: People watching the stream are directly being marketed to head for the website, already people reading your strategy guides could also have a direct, full dedicated video to see it in action (instead of the rare clips or replay without commentary).
- It keeps raises the skill level of the community. TBH, the higher tiers of CoH play are very closed. Sure, clans sometimes poked their heads out to the open world to flame each other in the GR forums but for the most part, most of the community was stuck reading through endless forum posts, or watch tons of replays just to learn "Dont OP strat points".
We need some dedicated people to walk hand in hand with the newcomers, and people wanting to improve their game... The Beta forums are a clear indicator of this. I'd do it for sure, but I can't stream and most importantly, I suck ass (could never get past lvl 10).
If we want Relic/Sega to patch this game, to give us competitive replay tools and to avoid the problems vCoH had, then we need to step up and create a cohesive, engaged playerbase that gives them a reason to.