I'm gonna ignore most of the scrubs posting in the thread and focus on the baseline of giaa's arguement.
Soviet lategame is utterly retarded. Honestly it borders on absurd, yes the early game sucks ass, and youll have plenty of games where it closes out quickly (because automatch is ahit, but thats another talk altogether), the faction imo is reliant on maps that have tons of resources and frequently go to lategame. (Think crossroada,nexus and langres).
The main issue just comes down to a plethora of absurd shit.
1: 7men cons are once vetted up to 3. The best infantry in the entire game, with flares,sandbags to neuter any other mainline barring maybe 5 man grens who are equally retarded. This means once you pasa a certain threshold you enter a stage where your infantry may as weöl not exist. Volks bleed and even if they win fights the end up trading unequally. Their upgrades are straight up inferior (svts for example across the board have better dps than stgs)
2: t70 is ridicolous, the only saving grace is that sov early game is cucked and flamer HT forces zis, otherwise the matchup would almost be unplayabe with how stupid it gets.
3: the premium tanks. 85s are better than p4 in every single way, kv1s practically require panthers to cope, ans the fact that they deploy fleets of tanka with 5 shot hp qith the ability to self repair will inevitably lose you the lategame repair war.
Id add more but im phoneposting
Soviets are OP (But only in the mid-lategame)
wow just wow! as a 2v2 rank 1000 player. I faced the same exact issue. I had to go 5 men gren to counter sov player unless i see isu152 than elefant.
there is 1 thing you missed, is the su85 supporting the kv tanks. they simply sit back while kv tanks push through to clear my infantry positions
isu152 is op af against axis too! luckily 2v2 i may get a JT help