But it wasn't
Also Italy runs until May 2nd. The first prototypes appeared in May.
The first prototype was done in January, the last was done in May.
Is isn't. We could have gotten historical, linear campaign similar to CoH2 (but ofc with better research)
How is alternate history not fantasy to you?
Also: Why you mention Panther II but not Maus? This tank was completed.
But we don't. They have already taken a big bold step away from a linear, historically faithful campaign. They want to give players the option to wage the war to their liking, and even in the most liberal levels of feedback review they won't gut the freestanding campaign in lieu of a linear one now. The work has been done.
We have a campaign where we get to make our own decisions on the method and direction of the war.
In this context, the Black Prince makes perfect sense, and doesn't break any rule that the campaign does not already discard by default - i.e. only making the same decisions about where to use X unit as was done historically.
The campaign is alternate history. That's what we got.
How is not wanting prototype tanks that never saw action in a WW2 game absurd?
Because it's a WW2 alternate history campaign to begin with.
The difference is that one thing was at least used while the other thing (the BP) was never used. So it is less of a stretch. Also I still would like it if there were no Tiger IIs / Panzer Is in Italy so no, it is not "no problem" for me
You're welcome to this opinion, but the format of the campaign makes such restrictions entirely arbitraty.
Don't use 'em if you don't want to. But Relic are letting people run the campaign in the manner they choose. So... others will disagree. And they will use them.
I see no reason why we shouldn't replace the BP with a Firefly or Comet. from the wiki:
in game we could just give the firefly/comet extra frontal armor.
My humble assumption is that other British Campaign Units will have the comet and firefly as the end of their tech trees.
The heavy, lumbering armour company gets the BP.