Distro seems like a toxic poster....
U make no sense, do u even play as allied yourself?
Why? Because im saying thing you dont like? What are you 5 Years old? Man chill, not everyone will agree with your PoV.
I just told you "Bad design" gets repeated very frequently and nothing happens after that, pointing out problems without any intent of solution its clearly a whine or l2p situation.
Also check your hipocresy counter it must be off charts by now...
Blitzkrieg is blitzkrieg! what kind of blitzkrieg goes backwards?? And its a speed boost! it turns them to rally cars and let you get out of trouble super easily while as allied t-34 u would have to carefully think how to play that same scenarion because u cant just push the panic speed boost and revert back! and also SURELY U KNOW snares dont cause engine damage unless at certain HP %? AND UKF GETS NO SNARES except Tommie HEAT... soviet snares a sidetech. (engine damage ones, not button) unless u go penals but again SUPER LONG TIMER so u have time to just blitz out !!!
You are clearly exagerating things, and repeating arguments because you ran out of reasons to explain yourself, just point out the problem. Yes blitz is annoying and used backwards its kinda BS, but you dont need to go that far neither use toxic expressions like that
"do u even play as allied yourself?". Changes wont happen from one day to another, so keep cool.
You can always use mines to inflict engine damage. And pls speak for yourself, pro players dont need anyone to address their complaints about anything in the game. Just a friendly reminder.