
russian armor

Buff Ostwind

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4 Nov 2018, 20:20 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Like the Centaur?

The Ostwind is seriously lacking in performance. My buddy used it some days ago to great effect but even at vet 3 it had serious problems wiping squads. Something the Centaur would have done easily. Imo it needs to have better accuracy on the move so it can chase down infantry.


The linked part (until 29:40) shows its biggest problem. It can't hit while moving. And even the accuracy while standing leaves room for improvements.

Please patch your game.

You're talking about Centaur from last year.
Current Centaur is better then ostwind exclusively at taking planes down.
4 Nov 2018, 20:27 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Like the Centaur?

The Ostwind is seriously lacking in performance. My buddy used it some days ago to great effect but even at vet 3 it had serious problems wiping squads. Something the Centaur would have done easily. Imo it needs to have better accuracy on the move so it can chase down infantry.


The linked part (until 29:40) shows its biggest problem. It can't hit while moving. And even the accuracy while standing leaves room for improvements.

Like the Cromwell is definitively not the Pz4. But yeah, we can buff the Ostwind to Centaur level and nerf the Pz4 to Cromwell level.
4 Nov 2018, 22:03 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Current Centaur is better then ostwind exclusively at taking planes down.

A vet 3 Ostwind takes longer to kill a squad than a rookie Centaur in any given situation. Go test it.
4 Nov 2018, 22:13 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

A vet 3 Ostwind takes longer to kill a squad than a rookie Centaur in any given situation. Go test it.

I did.

At vet0 ost was 3, 5 and 10 seconds behind.
At vet3 ost was equal or superior, depending on rng.

Distance was about 20 and since ostwind creates yellow cover, that's what it was shooting most of the time after 1st attempt.

Targets were rifles for ost and volks for centaur so both shoot at equal number of models.
5 Nov 2018, 10:36 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

10sec behind...awefull unit. a centaur push infntery effectily away. a ostwind take ages to do the same. u even push back the ostwind with handheld AT infantery easily. while the centaur will kill your squdad when u try to faust it.
5 Nov 2018, 11:33 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

I did.

At vet0 ost was 3, 5 and 10 seconds behind.
At vet3 ost was equal or superior, depending on rng.

Distance was about 20 and since ostwind creates yellow cover, that's what it was shooting most of the time after 1st attempt.

Targets were rifles for ost and volks for centaur so both shoot at equal number of models.

Unless the Ostwind gets one or two lucky AOE hits, it's behind on the Centaur in pretty much every situation or at best it's on par (vet3 Ostwind vs vet0 Centaur). In all my tests the vet3 Ostwind only wins against vet0 Centaur in TTK when fighting infantry behind heavy cover because it destroys said cover faster.

Try infantry behind semi-indestructible light cover such as fuel barrels and the Ostwind can't kill them at all because it keeps hitting the wrecked barrels. Centaur meanwhile shoots at models so it has no trouble killing.

Anyway the fact that a vet3 Ostwind is even comparable to a vet0 Centaur is enough reason to buff it.
5 Nov 2018, 20:18 PM
avatar of Sully

Posts: 390 | Subs: 2

Anyway the fact that a vet3 Ostwind is even comparable to a vet0 Centaur is enough reason to buff it.

5 Nov 2018, 20:21 PM
avatar of Storm Elite

Posts: 246

Silly Axis faction players. Ostheer and OKW can't be allowed to ever have units that are truly threatening.

The 222 dealing literally zero damage in its opening burst, even while standing still, is perfectly balanced. And the Ostwind needing three bursts to deal with a single squad is reasonable and not at all unfair. Check your privilege.
5 Nov 2018, 21:09 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

The 222 dealing literally zero damage in its opening burst, even while standing still, is perfectly balanced. And the Ostwind needing three bursts to deal with a single squad is reasonable and not at all unfair. Check your privilege.

Funny you mention 222, because its opening burst takes off half HP of everything on wheels lighter then AEC.
I guess you can't see the forest, because trees are obscuring your view.
6 Nov 2018, 09:06 AM
avatar of Kurfürst

Posts: 144

Buffing the rate of fire of the Ostwind would be a correct option to fixing this unit. Like many OST units, it simply lacks a defined role or specialization.

Its meh agaisnt light vehicles (given its steep pricetag and teching costs) and its meh meh against infantry.

Giving it more RoF would could make the unit a hard counter against lights (and could be thus a counter for infantry spam/light vehicle rush builds), while I think it's inherent inaccuracy would still limit its deadlyness against infantry.
6 Nov 2018, 09:16 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I like the idea of increased ROF. If that makes it too much it can easily be fine tuned.
6 Nov 2018, 10:38 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Anyway the fact that a vet3 Ostwind is even comparable to a vet0 Centaur is enough reason to buff it.

M20 needs hard buffs because it´s worse than the 222.

Cromwell T34/76 and Sherman need more armor so they compare to the OKW P4.

Bulldozer needs to get insane armor and main gun buff so it becomes like a Brummbär.

AEC needs to get sight and main gun range increase so it becomes like a Puma.

SU76 needs to get 160 damage on it´s main gun and more HP and armor.

Oh sorry I forgot...every Axis unit must be either balanced or OP. My bad :(
6 Nov 2018, 15:50 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

If only those comparisons were even remotely on point. The Centaur and Ostwind both have the exact same role (AA and AI specialist alongside a medium tank generalist) and are nearly identical in cost. Yet the Ostwind can't shoot down planes and can't shoot infantry while the Centaur excels in both.

If you want an actual comparison of a reversed situation, there's the Panther and the Comet. In which I would agree that the Comet is bad for its price and should be buffed into Panther levels.

Everyone knows and agrees the M20 is currently overpriced for what it can do.

Comparing T-34-76 and Sherman to P4J? Are you serious? Did you miss the 50 fuel price difference?

Everyone agrees Brummbär currently overperforms. Bulldozer is already getting the same AOE profile in the new patch.

AEC has different targets and a different role, comes earlier and is cheaper. It also has other benefits compared to Puma such as better AI and the track shot ability that stays relevant into late game.

SU-76 being compared to what? The Stug? Again different roles and prices. Shouldn't it also lose its range and penetration then? Oh and the barrage ability?

6 Nov 2018, 15:54 PM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

M20 needs hard buffs because it´s worse than the 222.

Cromwell T34/76 and Sherman need more armor so they compare to the OKW P4.

Bulldozer needs to get insane armor and main gun buff so it becomes like a Brummbär.

AEC needs to get sight and main gun range increase so it becomes like a Puma.

SU76 needs to get 160 damage on it´s main gun and more HP and armor.

Oh sorry I forgot...every Axis unit must be either balanced or OP. My bad :(

sry bro, this is not a #Allieswanttowhine thread, check out the list there are plenty of those.
Even though i want some of those buffs you mentioned, this is not the place or the time.

Rly ostwinds are lacking any kind of role or function. Not even to control lights. IIRC AEC beats it and its gun cant pen T70s, im not asking for it, i just wanted to point that.
6 Nov 2018, 17:18 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

I don´t even disagree that the Ostwind needs some buff but the problem is that Ost is already one of the best factions without a good Ostwind. I don´t see how buffing the Ostwind is going to improve balance. If there is a new balance patch coming then other things need to be a priority IMO. Other than buffing Ostwinds AA capability, that´s pretty much a no-brainer.

By the way, how come no one ever mentions that Centaurs have less mobility compared to Ostwinds?
6 Nov 2018, 17:49 PM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

I couldn't agree anymore with you blvckdream
6 Nov 2018, 21:03 PM
avatar of JibberJabberJobber

Posts: 1614 | Subs: 3

... I don´t see how buffing the Ostwind is going to improve balance ...

It wouldn't, but it doesn't have to be negative to balance either. It's just that some players don't like seeing only P4's because other options aren't worth it. That's not to say that there aren't underperforming units in other factions (take the M5 and SU76 for example), which could also receive a little love, but those atleast fulfill distinct roles. Meanwhile, the Ostwind is simply too weak or the P4 too strong against infantry.
6 Nov 2018, 21:32 PM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

Ostwind 100% needs a AA buff to make it compareable with other AA units. As for its effectiveness against infantry I would say it could either use a price reduction or a buff to ROF as others had suggested.

60 fuel? You're joking right?

Also didn't ostwind have a bulletin where it can cause little supression?

It did, but it doesnt really cause a pin/suppress unless the infantry squad is standing in red cover or shooting at them forever.

It use to be crazy fast pins back when u could stack bulletins but now its not really that good.
7 Nov 2018, 01:40 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

In addition the Supression bulletin only applies to the hull MG and lacks any AOE Supression. It's fairly useless which is sad given how unique of a bulletin it is
7 Nov 2018, 08:42 AM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

Simply lowering the cost or increasing Damage/Accuracy/RoF is a bit boring tho.

When it comes to making a unit more appealing I'd want to see more utility, rather than a simple buff to stats. Maybe a Hull down ability to increase AA and add suppression? Or a focus fire ability to instantly pin down a selected squad for 30 munition.
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