Ah ok. Does that mean their mid and close range dps is greater? Also, how do the total squad dps’s (4 garands, 1 BAR vs 2 stgs, 3 volk k98s) stack up at those ranges?
Huh good to know. Makes me a bit sad though.
It’d be great to at least rework airborne commander and tweak timing on recon support a bit for the reasons I mentioned that make it hard to use their callins to the full extent though.
Point Blank:
Rifles and 1 BAR: 6.79x4+13.2= 40.36
Volks with StGs: 4.74x3+7.52x2= 29.26
15 Range:
Rifles and 1 BAR: 3.44x4+6.5= 20.26
Volks with StGs: 3.04x3+5.57x2= 20.26
Basically, a BAR doubles the firepower of one rifleman. StGs add 40-100% firepower to the guys holding them, except at ranges of 32 and above.
With no upgrades, rifles do 45% more damage point blank, but become about equal to volks at range 20 and beyond.
2xStGs are better than 1xBAR at all ranges below 30.