Recon support underused. Planting mines with Para's + superzooks + pathfinders works perfectly with some diry SCOTS spam.
1) Place 3 Beacon's with Pathfinders all over map (free maphack btw)
2) Drop Para's + AT GUN
3) Crew AT gun with Para's
4) TADAAA unkillable AT gun (you can reinforce AT gun with beacon)
Sounds delightful, but just to play devil’s advocate, why should I pick Recon over Airborne? Airborne gives me P-47 rockets and both M2HB .50 cal HMGs and M1 ATGs from the sky. Plus better Pathfinders and Thompsons on my Paras if I want a hardcore CQB unit and I can still get M1919A6’s or BARs or (super)Bazookas off of the weapon racks.
Recon gives me less powerful Pathfinders, no Tommy guns and a less than desirable M8 armored car in exchange for my Paras to be able to lay mines? I love the idea of bushwhacking a Kraut tank with a mine and stealth Paras with super bazookas, but I’m not sure it’s the better choice. (Seriously, I WANT Recon Support to be awesome, but it looks like Airborne is just plain better. Help me prove that I am wrong! )