I think there's some variability with the first shot landing. A few times, it was near instantaneous, but yesterday I/team mate used it a few times and the first shot took like 10 seconds or so to land.
More I think about it, the more I dislike all loiters. The fact that it's hard to read what's happening, that the UI isn't always accurate (circle disappears, etc.) and that it effectively frees up the single most important player skill resource (attention/cognitive-load/micro) just puts it at odds with every other aspect of the game.
Obviously too big of a change to go through, but I guess the issue with it is also true of the il-2 loiter, the AT CAS, etc.
For what it's worth I do think there was more than just a scatter change, I had used the ability before the patch a few times but they were a while back and so my memory may be failing me.
I do think having the bombing run not be a loiter like target+chase would be a nice chance, just make the bombs land on the area you use the skill on, where-as the suppression strafe can still do its thing as it is now. |
No, they don't have a snare. |
Wasn't it the case that DSHK HMGs were apparently "op" forever but no one knew because no one used them?
Then they got used, then they got nerfed.
I get that the patchnotes only state a scatter change, but that doesn't change that the click ability is incredibly powerful and can outright win games. |
Last night I played a team game (4v4) on Port of Hamburg and two of these abilities were called back to back.
Fun fact, they also target and bomb fuel caches apparently.
It took way too long for the ability to clear out, and even after it had, the planes re-acquired my units. I had retreated 3 squads to base, but quickly moved them AWAY From the base structure because I figured they were going to be bombed there, sure enough they were.
I dunno, I think it should be changed so the targeted area is what is bombed and not individual units in it. By all means, have the planes suppress based on target + track, but the bombs themselves should be based on the area of the call-in.
If the bombs must persist with the tracking option then something has to be changed.
BTW, 3 of the 4 people in that game were using the commander + ability (the 4th being wehrmacht).
It is very clearly overperforming.
I understand that the AT overwatch for soviets is also overperforming, but that one at least has the limitation that once you leave you're safe. With Sector Assault, even a full retreat from one end of the map to your base isn't... in fact it can mean that your massed retreated units all get cluster-wiped.
Not that I think balance = both sides get broken OP shit, but my point is that there's only so much one can do.
On port of Hamburg and other maps like it that sector assault basically means that area is completely off limits and if you so much as stoke the ire of the planes by exposing yourself, you'll get insta-gibbed after. AA was out, it does not effectively counter it unless you specifically shoot the loiter from outside the circle very meticulously. In any other game I'd agree that's fine, but that's not really how things work in CoH2. |
So it has to be a per model basis. Well, good to know I guess.
Either way my resolution is to adapt. I am not fond of demanding the game change when things don't work my way.
The only actual thing that I think needs to be changed for axis is the Sector Assault call in which as of now is far too difficult to counter, even with AA, and on certain maps can effectively win an entire fuel+vp section (think Port of Hamburg). |
Several assault Rifles, SMG and all HMG already have scatter. You can try it on cheatmods by having a singular invulnerable model and putting several squads behind it.
Yeah but a blob can still steamroll those, but giving a RA malus means even rifles would hit more frequently.
Tho I do know what you mean, it's why a sturmpioneer can reduce a 4 man squad to 4% hp but not drop a model. |
The self-repair ability is stupid fast, and very nice in a clutch situation. |
That puts us back at square one. Maybe I need to accept my inner twistedtootsie and go for mechanized. Dang shame since assengineers+wolverines are so fun. |
Dunno then, maybe the solution is to do just that and go barfinders -- tho I find them often failing miserably when I see others use them.
Or, as USF, to rely more on vehicles and less on infantry I guess.
75% for most squads is 60 hp right? so 2 shots into 3rd shot being a snipe. Or a single nade, flamer, or any AOE really.
I guess the dreaded double scott strategy would work. |