I can´t belive it. I just can´t belive it. What did Relic just do? And even more important: why.. why..?
The same bugy beta patch went live.. thats just.. i mean.. there was a beta.. this bugs were reported.. Relic fixed none of them.. . So, this beta was a big fake at the end.
And i believed them.. . I should have known better. My mistake i guess.
But you can't tell what will happen when 2,000 users use software until, well, 2,000 users use the software. And people stopped going on the beta server because there weren't any other people on the beta server.
Okay, i agree. You can´t fix unreported bugs.
So let´s talk about the bugs Relic knows about. Bugs who were reported more then once, so we can assume Relic knows they exists and still, they don´t get fixed. Funny, isn´t it?
There was got some kind of beta, which is great. What should have happen: Relic collects all the feedback, fix the bugs and afterwards the patch goes live. Without the reported bugs. And what happened instead? The new Patch is simply the last version of the Beta without any changes. There still are many bugs. Reported bugs, by the way.
At the and end its the old story and CoH1 is know maybe in a even worserer state then it was before this "patch".
Great ob, well done Relic.
If you can´t do it right, don´t try it.
I don`t get why people complain about it.
Well of course nobody who likes CoH1 will every be happy if you tell them "Thats it, we won´t do another patch". The most people where ok with 2.602. Not perfect but it was okay. Then there was this Steam bullshit. And it was bullshit, Relic admited it. Thats why thes did this "patch". And if you tell the people Hey, we are working on a patch, then you create expectations. And of course, once more, they failed in meetinf the expectations. And thats what makes me angry.
They should have just just the servers down, just bury the game let it rest in peace. Sure everyone who loves CoH1 would be angry but better a short time of pain then a pain without end.
Do you know why they did not shut down the servers? Simple, they still sale CoH1. They sale a broken piece of software and they earn money with it. As long as you sell a product a customer can expect support for this software.