Again if in your opinion PPsh upgrade is terrible I suggest you run some test vs MP VG and Assault grenadiers and then start a thread about it containing the results.
DPS at range 10
Volks MP40 and assault grenadiers
10.231 per model
51.155 per squad
cons PPSH
9.739 per model (ppsh)
2.603 per model (mosin)
37.026 per squad
DPS difference at range 10 = volks DPS is 38% higher than cons DPS
target size
volks 1 assgrens 0.95 conscripts 1.09
volks 400 assgrens 400 conscripts 480
adjusted HP (based on target size)
volks 400 assgrens 421 conscripts 440
MTTK calculations
volk vs cons
8.60 seconds
assgren vs cons
8.60 seconds
cons vs volk
10.80 seconds
cons vs assgren
11.37 seconds
conclusion... cons PPSH is inferior to volks MP40 and assgrens