I never liked the idea of officers. This is acceptable as a unit in the commander, but absolutly disgusting as an unlock for tiers (British - CoH1, USA - CoH2), for me they are superfluous as a unit. I would like that when I opened the USA tier, the officer would not appear on the battlefield, but would be available to buy once for free.
Yes i personally dislike usf officers, as they feel to me as unnecessary unit i did not want, like if i wen t for lt, i dont want to purchache capitain tier as i already will have 3-4 rifles and lt and i dont want 6 unit. |
This is completely suggesting and thinking thread. Its not sure will we get coh 3 or will this topic be addressed in any form in future. So lets talk "what if" there will come coh 3 about this topic.
Officers have had weird place in company of heroes as series. There has been many iterations of them in first and second game. I want to address them in this thread and how to possibly change them to third game if possible.
Coh 1: In first game officers came only for wehrmacht and brits. German officer was special unit that had no fighting capabilities whatsoever, but held multiple other valuable abilities, such as artillery barrage and supervising building to train units faster. As for the brittish, officers were much more important for the faction. They were not only essential for tiering up, but the veterancy of tommies were tied to them and they were as such important for the faction. Alongside the veterancy boosts, with artillery regiment they were capable of giving artillery support, including command cromwell smoke barrages. This officer system however was flawed few way. As one man units, they were fragile and required constant micro so you could keep them alive. you could attach them into squads, but when you retreated tommies, you had to do it induvidually to officer, otherwise he would have simply just walked the whole way back to hq.
Coh 2: in second game, officers became much less specialized support units and were generalized more. German artillery officer was in original form weaker grenadier squad that had access to accuracy boost, smoke barrage and coordinated barrage. Reworked version function much better, serving as light cqc squad with bost accuracy and durability boost, smoke, coordination barrage and small heavy mortar barrage. Okw officer is still in quite weak form. While he has respectable damage, support abilities as single squad forced retreat and mark infantry target and passive accuracy. This however encourages blobbing, as you need to keep as many infantry units as close as possible and officer can also screw you over as losing officer model sends every surrounding infantry unit running back to home.
Usf officers are in their core Basically just bit different riflemen (except for major), with only main difference being single weapon upgrade, bit different veterancy, single thompson and ability, smoke and supervise for cap. Major imo has very good officer design. he has smoke for onfield support, light artillery barrage and recon flight that get better with veterancy. These abilities however see never much in way of action, due to him being just retreat magnet to ambulance and rarely leaving this place.
As for the british the airlanding officer is in all a commando squad with one less member, but with attack boost and recon flight. This makes him quite functional as cqc unit to work with sections as he still has gammon and boost and reconflight can have its uses.
For soviets there is commisar, which has both combat helping abilities and grenade, but also a healing ability
Looking from perspective, we can see that first game officers were meant to be specialized, yet important part of the army, where as in the second game, officers are very generalized having less features that forces you to use them diffirently compared to normal rifle infantry, but with the cost of not having as powerful abilities. This asks the question: what direction should we take officers into? Do we want more specialized ones with intresting and unique abilities that can be used to change battlefield around them, or do we want generalized ones that can be used in conjuction with your other units, requiring less micro?
My personal idea for officers to coh 3 is to be starting unit for every faction and direction what you want them to do could be defined as the game goes. For example wehrmacht officer could become panzergrenadier fuhrer, who could be aggressive officer with automatic weaponry and aggression boasting boost, or pioneer fuhrer, who could have bundle grenades and defense boosting abilities.
But what you think? Let me hear you opinions towards this topic. |