Players are not too dumb to play the game but they are definitively to believe they know the game because they have xK hours on Coh1/Coh2 Franchise and post clueless negative review of it. I read many on Reddit and they're just 2/3 empty of arguments.
Only points I fully agree against Coh3 atm.
1- lack of maps.
2- Lack of multiplayer ranking assets.
The rest of it are just people surfing the negative hype to avoid saying they just suck at it. There is the usual unbalance random teamgame provides, that was in Coh1 and in Coh2 until the game got rebalanced to the point 1vs1 become boring, just to satisfy people that don't want to make a friend list to play teamgame and cry because one side get it more easily on random.
2/3 of teamgame players trashing coh3 don't have a clue on how to play the game, they say it themselve all the time, they scared to play 1vs1 to get their bump bump smashed, why? Because they don't know to play the game, they don't know 1/3 of game mechanisms and go on teamgame with the hope the people they're going to be match with will carry them enough to win. And guess what, that doesn't happen because those players represent too big portion of the player base on team game, they are match together and get smash together.
And then, they switch side, and guess what again, they only do the same shit, they spam team weapon and arty and ooooh they win, but did they learn something? no, nothing. And then they come to Reddit and say how the game is poorly design and has a poor gameplay blablabla...
Coh3 is more elitist than coh2, they are more mechanism, more abilities than in coh2 to be learnt and understood and truly the average Joe that just want to do a game after work is going to suffer a lot just to grasp enough knowledge to play the game at a correct level.
It has little to do with the precise mechanics, and all to do with content/QoL features.
And you are already rewriting the history of COH3: the superblobs who dominated everything while AT/MG/Mines were all broken.
In COH2 4vs4, you get two AA units across entire team and it closed the sky. Initial loiter runs till happen, but it was basically a strafe. Did I hear that right, they buffed skilledplanes and ruined AA in CoH3? Right there, this one move ruins teamgames because of how much munition and plane-abilities players call during one match.
Recapping complains from myself, the team player:
• Two maps
• No leaver punishment
• No moderation for toxic players
• Matchmaking problems, rank problems (multiplier by no population in queues)
• Lack of battlegroups
• Lack of one-trick heavy armor units
• Multiple bugged abilities or mechanics.
• Hotfixes that 50/50 improve or ruin something
• Engagement mechanics (daily or weekly challenges) pathetic and incompatible with normal play
• Generally a sidegrade with visuals, and downgrade with audio (at least until they rework bit by bit everything)
• UI problems. Ok they fixed team colors now and some icons, 4 months later. Pings and all the other elements are still not great. Nobody wants 6/10 games anymore: either you do it right, or my time goes elsewhere.
If the game didn't suck on content/QoL section, people would adapt to those gameplay changes. Even the lack of visual/audio improvements wouldn't bite.