@Esxile: there is much in what you write, but Relic should have catered for team games as well, since after all, that is where COH2 predominated.
Were I in Relic's shoes, I would be setting up a Mapmaking competition with prizes. It costs them little, but would save their team hours of work. Same goes for Modding and skins. And why did they not use the non-staff Artist who designed so much for them in COH2?
capture points have returned to a Company of Heroes 1 standard
This is flat-out wrong and degrades your argument.
- There were no capture circles in COH1. You either hit or missed the flagpost.
- If you were e.g. 75& up in your capture of a point, you would automatically go down to zero if your enemy touched the flagpost and you were not holding it. e.g. Ketten push
Purchased veterancy for Wehrmacht in COH1 was part of the asymmetric design.
Relic's love for the Nazis is defamatory. There are no Nazi symbols in the game - German standards alone demand that.
rip parts from Company of Heroes 1 visibly for nostalgia factor at the expense of a coherent vision for how the game should play
Here we can agree. It confounds me that Relic seem not to take account of age. The 18-year-old in 2006 is now aged 35; the 18-year-old in 2012 is now aged 29. i.e. they are most probably moving into building families in RL and have little time to devote to PC games. There is no Lost Legion of COH1 players stuck in Scotland among the Picts, waiting to troop South to fight again under the execrable loading screen of COH3. They have vanished. And the same applies to a lesser extent for COH2.
Unlike you, I believe that COH3 will be cleaned down and improved, especially for teamgames. But I am sure we would both like an answer as to how it came to this, especially when there were a team of testers/posters, mostly from this site, who went along with it all.
My final word of caution would be this: don't jump in and buy the next Battle Group Commander on issue, unless you feel it is balanced. Based on COH2 performances, you could buy an OTT commander which is nerfed a month later, when sales start to fall away.
Anybody who thinks I am crazy should consider the emergence of the Britz in 2015 in COH2:
- a Vickers team in Semois church which could successfully spray and suppress a base HMG unit in North Semois
- A Vickers team in Semois church which had complete vision of North Semois, even through the Fog of War
- The Centaur AA tank which had the remarkable ability to one-shot a squad of Grenadiers in a building - "now you see it, now you don't"
And not forgetting everybody's favourite (sic)