That's because you now have 2 LMGs (the aggregate power of Vickers_K) always shooting and bleeding the same model. The same mechanism that allows 4-men Grenadiers to be a competitive unit later in the game, would now allow 5-men Tommies to zap 4-men Grenadiers to oblivion.
Take two hypothetical slot weapons.
- The LMG 45 fires one salvo every 5 seconds. This salvo deals damage equal to half an enemy model's health.
- The LMG 90 fires the same salvo every x seconds.
Equip one infantry squad with two LMG 45s and one with a single LMG 90. Put it up against an enemy squad: each model in that squad deals 1 damage per second. The two LMG 45s each target a different model.
Firstly, give the LMG 90 exactly twice the damage output of the LMG 45: make
x - 2.5 seconds. In this situation both teams will kill the enemy squad in 20 seconds.
The LMG 90's firepower is all concentrated onto one model and therefore it kills one enemy model every 5 seconds. The LMG 45s kill two models every ten seconds. Therefore, as you said, the LMG 90's better: it takes the same time to kill the enemy squad but it takes only 50 damage in the process. The 2x LMG 45 squad takes 60.
If you make
x = 3 then both squads take 60 damage over the course of the fight. The LMG 90 still zaps a model every two shots but because it's firing more slowly this advantage is negated. The LMG 90 now takes 24 seconds to kill the enemy squad whereas the 2x LMG 45 squad still kills it in 20. The LMG 45 squad is now strictly better.
It follows that for values of
x between 2.5 and 3 the LMG 90 deals damage more slowly than the 2x LMG 45 but also takes less damage over the course of the fight. Somewhere in this range there should be a value of x where that offensive advantage and defensive advantage are balanced against each other.
This is of course a vast simplification but does it illustrate what I'm trying to get at here? A single weapon has an inherent advantage over two half-weapons but surely that advantage can be offset with a disadvantage elsewhere?