I have some huge survivability problem with soviets.
As we all know the current meta is just to hold fuel and keep as much units as you can alive until you can get a T70 out.
That's the only way to win as soviet currently, rarely will a ZiS help you against the axis light vehicles, since it's hard as f*** to micro them in early game.
However, even if it is possible, the problem I have as I said is just to hold of enough time to fuel, or resource point to have even a chance to field a ZiS/Light tank and counter any light tank you have, then capture their own fuel, if I can.
Agressivity doesn't work anymore with soviets because conscripts are ass, this is why so much people are doing either 2 maxims, or Penals.
How do you guys do it? How do you hold enough time against all that blob for instance? Being offensive enough, against players who know their shit and will be annoying the shit out of your brain trying to cut off your point or fuel?
I understand soviets are an offensive faction, but all their units lose in almost every match-up, if I do conscripts in early game, even if I put 2 cons against one sturms, what's going to make it impossible for him to just blob and get in my fuel with his volks? Cons will lose all the time, and while I'm wasting time fighting for my own fuel, his capturing his with a kubel, that one cons squad alone isn't able to kill without losing like 5 models.
And I need to capture both fuel points or cut his fuel so that he doesn't start building more than one luchs/222 (which is a pain in the ass).
DISCLAIMER: This thread is only adressed to 1v1 players above rank 300.
Please do not post here to GIVE ADVICE if: you're a compstomper, if you play 4v4 or 3v3 or if you're still in the kids pool below rank 400.
I hope you understand that I'm not trying to be a rude ass, I just want serious help, something that's worth the time to read and effort to try, even if you think that you are able to do it at your level, to counter this issue I have with soviets, below 300 in the ladder, players are all braindead and stupid, with retarded strat such as building multiple sturmpioneers in early game because they have schreks... so there is no real achievement for you there.
What is it supposed to achieve?
The 222 is already a cancerous cheap vehicle right now that you can use to swarm up your opponent, you want to buff it? are you crazy?
Rank 1: Adds the 'Camouflage' ability, which makes the 222 harder to detect.
what the f***, you want not only to make it able to kill a T70 alone but give it camo on top of it?
Are you a troll?
Again how is the t34/85 too cheap for what it is and what it does?
This thread has lasted longer than it should, we can all agree that the way tanks and tech building with soviets is mostly balanced, there is no need for changes anymore.
This faction problem is how things are handled in infantry and how conscripts are designed.
If you think Panzer 4 is too expensive, this is another subject, it may be right.
t34/85 for 380/130fuel is not TOO CHEAP, be serious here how is it cheap?
Whaaat? are you kidding?
The ISG acts just as a lesser pack howie but is easily the second best team weapon arty in the game.
If you want to see a bad one, look at the soviet 82mm. |
Sorry, I'm not talking only to you when I say L2P.
I read you wrong, only talkign to people asking for stupid nerf.
What about the ostheer sniper mortar?
That mortar is seriously overperforming, on all units.
If you have one of your units in green cover, forget about escaping the monstruous aoe this mortar has.
Soviet has a good unit that performs good against german almighty steel = NERF IT REEEEELIC.
It's always the same story with axis players.
Ok so let's make some calculations here:
The soviet guards meta has been nerded already in all ways, so that :
1- Guards can't button your tanks anymore
2- T34/85 isn't a call in (so you CAN'T skip T3 and T4 anymore)
But hey ! it's not enough, the T34/85 is still too cheap for axis babbies.
Stug life thinks the T34/85 received an indirect buff because they buffed the T34 MG (who wasn't shooting before due to a bug).
160mp/25fuel for tier 1 or 2
240mp/85 fuel for tier 3
240mp/90 fuel for tier 4
380mp/130 fuel for ONE T34/85
=1020mp/320 fuel in total
That's not including what you will spend for regular infantry, and light tanks if you need any and upgrades.
How much do you need again for a Panzer IV?
An ostheer scout car costs 15 fuel right now, are you kidding?
No infantry upgrades requires fuel.
All you need to do is spend 80 fuel and 40 to reach tier 2.
Then 135fuel for a Panzer 4 who performs just about the same as a T34/85, minus the pen against heavy tanks.
How is the T34 mg an indirect buff? because it does well against infantry it should be nerfed?
This tank whole purpose is to be able to kill both inf and target heavy tanks.
The armor is ridiculousely bad.
Once again, just learn to play.
You talk about it as if this tank can be spammed or is an IS2.
Therefor is you increase the cost, a commander like armored doctrine will become uselesS.
Your soviet is way more than what? My USF and Brit 1v1 ranks are in the top 100 as well (just hidden curently), so how much higher are we talking. Top 50? top 10? #1?
It's not hidden.
It doesn't exist because you didn't play up to 10 and more games with a faction in 1v1.
I seriously doubt you are above 1v1 with only 6 wins...
Go, L2P then talk |
one question : why do you bother posting in these forums, when you 1) honestly go half retard with your suggestions and 2) when you are so unnecessarily hostile in your writing? it really sounds like a rage post, which you have apparently posted again, due to a "compstomp moderator" locking it. so what are you doing here? youre better off finding a new, "skilled" forum or better yet, a small "skilled" group you can discuss with.
regarding the playercard, why dont you put yours on the show to the public? and before you attack mine, please know that I havent been consciously playing pre-patch and post-patch due to new, game breaking bugs.
either way, try to be more civil or, plainly said, fuck off.
Let's be honest here, and read my previous thread.
Go see who is being insulting, and who trolls.
I just point out stuff in game.
Some biased moderator decides to lock it because whatever, then warns me for "trolling".
All the other shitheads who have been constantly insulting and saying I suck at the game, they received nothing.
So what do I care?
Put your money where your mouth is.
Curious that 14 top 100 ranks (9 of which are top 50) is pathetic. You even got one rank in top 1000?
Edit: Its also pretty lol worthy you calling him a comp stomp moderator. Im fairly sure his 2v2 at rank was far above yours by several digits 
Nigga, stop making me laugh, Top 100 in 3v3 and 4V4?
Are you seriously boasting about this?
These ranks don't mean shit in the actual game, in 1v1 I would roll over your ass.
This is a hilarious, while I'm not myself a top 100 in 4v4 I'm in slightly above 150 in 3v3, and way more in 1v1 as soviet.
Please stand in your own ground. |