I thought you were against putting SMC maps in the pool. At least till relic decides to work more closely with mappers. Or is that issue already solved?
I am against putting them in with the players not wanting them. However quite a few asked for vilshanka to be put in, so as far as I know, it is going to be. But my point is that there are plenty of maps that can be fixed and added for more pool variety.
Just off the top of my head (mind some/all would still need adjustments to be balanced or fix issues from before)
-bryansk forest***
-market ruins***
-bombarded refinery***
-la gleize***
-schilberg outskirts***
-karelia summer***
-verman river*
-potok peresecheniya*
-ladoga karelia*
-southern alblasswerwaard*
-port nazaire*
-st. omer airfield*
-Rattay Ruins (OMEGALUL)*
* = Is/was in a tourney
** = old vcoh map
*** = already in automatch but was removed
I'm sure I am missing some, but here you go.
Obviously some of these maps need very simple fixes, others, might not be savable, but worth a try if people were actually interested (they are not as they have proven for the last 2 years).