You just switched up your argument. First you implied high dps is mutually exclusive with a paper rock scissors dynamic, which it isn't. Then you pivot to an entirely different point which is that high DPS doesn't give you enough time to switch between rock, paper, or scissors (get to the proper range).
Beyond that, lowering DPS favors whichever squad has to close in since they then take less damage on approach (the long range squad will probably retreat before they have to take losses of their own at this unfavorable range), so it's nothing near a simple change.
We seem to be opening more issues than we are closing so I will try to clarify them one by one.
Since we have established the benefits of established weapon categories I will move on to the problem of high DPS.
High DPS does not directly mess with "relative positioning".
If I increase the far DPS of the grenadier LMG about 7 times ranges will still beat them at close range so relative positioning will still be there. On the other hand if range are repositioning and come in contact with grenadiers at range 35 they will lose model in the first sec leave very little reaction time to the user.
In the edge of the spectrum when commandos had around 70 DPS close they would make enemy squad disappear again before the opposing player could react.
"Relative positioning" is based on the principal that the user can have input that will improve his position, greatly reducing reaction time also reduces the chance of the playing being able to give that input or of that input having any meaningful result.
So yes it is not a simple change that is true and in my opinion things where close into finding that balance for mainline infantry at least in the September 9th patch so "changing" that balance by introducing high lethality units like ST and Penal before minute 1 in the game was a step in the wrong direction.