No.... I claimed it was nerfed, which it was
you claimed they get -80% RA in an aura, which is wrong. I said they get a decent RA and accuracy buff for around 10-15 seconds with heroric charge, hardly gamebreaking when we have a command P4 giving units the extra health to survive direct grenades at their feet.
This is your original claim :
"Aura? Pretty sure the only aura ALO gives is a sprint and a decent RA buff for 10 seconds or so when you use the heroic charge ability. I don't see why this would be an issue.
Air ladning officer does not simply give sprint and RA buff, it gives *0.75 TS, *1.40 Ac. *0.8 CD +1 speed
now add to that *1.20 Ac, *0.8 CD *0.80 CD from a command vehicles and you should start seeing why this combination (with probably more than *200% DPS) would be a problem.