Alternative is death of any kind of non indie RTS games.
I wish we had any kind of data on population and recurrence of Halo Wars 2.
Halo Wars 2 was slated by most Halo Wars veterans plus M$ kinda fucked up by limiting it to the Xbox and Windows Games Store severely so I don't think it'd be an accurate estimate on how well a modern RTS game would do on consoles.
Judging by the money Iron Harvest got in it's Kickstarter and by how many people know about I think it'd might be a more realistic accurate.
I didn't even know about the first Halo Wars before I saw some of it's stunning cinematics on YouTube basically so I have no doubt that most of it's players were just Halo fanboys at least for the most part.
I heard that Army Men RTS was a pretty popular Play Station 2 RTS game.
My major concern is that console games are dumbed down in both graphics and gameplay and most are ported unoptimized to PC and then slammed on Steam for doing it. One personal example I can give of L.A. Noire and I had to find god knows where tweaks to unlock the FPS lock so I could get more than 30 FPS and the game still ran horribly but I would say that the gameplay was very decent and it was just sad to see it having such bad reviews because someone was lazy and thought let's just save a few bucks from optimization.