Riddle me this, why on earth would a dev get close with free content content creaters, brand advocates or, you know, people that play the game a lot and know the ins and outs of how it works? Why on earth would they do that? They crazy right? Fucking Relic, reaching out to community representatives and shit!
For those whose iq is smaller than my shoe size, this was sarcasm
Excuse me sir but do you mod? If not then I would suggest not stating that casters know the game's ins and outs, if you don't know the engine, the heart and brain on which the game runs on, then you know nothing. All you know is how and when to use cover, and how and when to build units/use abilities, but how exactly those units and abilities work is of no concern to you probably so no, you don't know the ins and outs of the entire game, you just know how the game works when designed by Relic, a modder can design an entirely different game to theirs on the same engine and when you learn to play it it doesn't mean you know it's ins and outs as well.
If you don't know the engine, the core on which the game runs on, then again, you know nothing, in a few words. |
This is basically why I'm holding off from modding the game for now, what I've done until now has probably already been broken a couple of times now anyway, I think a game should be modded after the devs have moved on so you can mod in peace and not worry about constant updates ruining it, just my opinion, I know your mod is a competitor for balance to Relic's own balance. |
If you're really an open-minded person as you say you are, how about just ignoring them? I've turned off custom decals and skins and stuff from my options as well as un-realistic skins, why can't you as well? I've noticed anime stuff on the workshop but not in game, even if I did it still wouldn't make much of a difference for me. |
Well it's the same old story as always and the same argument. Relic could have always made easy money of COH.. COH HD, COH expansions, COH tournament. (Because vCOH was always a superb platform for e-sports. Whilst COH2 is just a gimmick. With a horrible horrible engine.)
They wouldn't even have to put much effort into this. Just a bit of publicity. And share some of the revenues with the EF dev team. But yeah whatever.
Problem for them is that EF mod would be an instant sales competitor to their own game.
You're right, but still, they're going to get money, aren't they? |
Is it really normal all that close relation the devs keep with the best players and broadcasters?
Or am I the only one striked by how close they are between each other?
I update the game just recently, I get in, and what do I see?
Helping Hans on the front page, this is joke lol?
Do you realize how influent they are on choices they keep doing to balance the game so far?
Imperial Dane himself is a moderator on their forums.
Helping Hans get to be on first page of the game.
If I'm not mistaken, they let one of them also write up a guide for beginners, that they link to in the game ?
If you don't agree with the balance just make your own balance in a mod, if it's not about that then I don't know, we're mere mortals to them, un-important, those YouTubers and broadcasters are the ones fetching people to the game for them, free advertising you may call it. While the loyal fans that have stuck with the game even unwillingly during the harshest of times of theirs games are down in the mud, for instance I've been crashing ever since the vet patch and every time I try to contact them about it there's no reply or it's very late or it's very generic, like have you tried updating your drivers or checking the game's cache. I've sent over 30 bug splat reports and I can't even access their bugged website forums lol.
So no, in a few words, this is not a joke sadly, it's the real world with which we must learn to deal with, that we are un-important, just another money bag down for the count, that's it, that's all of it. |
That is a bad excuse for commenting on balance while being 100% detached from multiplayer.
Sorry, but it doesn't matter if you have experience with the unit or not if your opponent can't micro, because its AI.
Technically it still is multiplayer and how the fuck do you know for sure the AI can't micro? It's a computer player and it has out played human players on more than one occasion as I have noticed. You being some sort of PvP elitist doesn't make my humble opinion any less appropriate. Plus you're the one getting called out here on not playing as well so don't think you have anything over me just because you have more experience in 1v1s doesn't mean you're better than me at the game in general. Plus it's obvious to me you're part of the reason I don't play PvP because of the cancerous players. |
You forgot to rise the price to 280 at least or cut the damage by 25%.
Or buff con DPS by 30% to compensate?
edit: oh god, why are you even here? You're a full time comp stomper, balance is of no concern for you because you can just switch difficulty of AI...
Right, you have a point there, but I'll counter you with the argument that I'm still playing the game and face/play against/with the unit as well here, not playing on the high, PvP levels as you supposedly doesn't mean I have no experience with the unit at question here, meaning I can give at least a simple suggestion. But yes, their durability needs to improve, I think we can all agree on that, and to compensate maybe the ideas you suggested, 280 for a well trained and well equipped German unit as the description states isn't quite bad. |
Give em a 5th model, 25 per reinforcement man power and sandbags and there you go, not so shitty mainline infantry anymore. |
Eh, as heavy would say, not big surprise, something was fishy all along, of course I didn't suspect the database thing but the rest, yeah. It made sense that Relic and the forum admins were working separately when Relic posted that Africa Korps thing while you guys posted that badly made up changelog. |
ATC style capturing from CoH's mods sounds good. |