I rememebr some time ago damn intesnte game on Outskirsts where I made total 5 Paks43 
Also 30 pop cap for those 3 (10 each if I remember correctly) is what I'm able to cope with instead of 60, 20 each for a 17 Pounder, that's crazy, and usually you will need more than one to defend any one point. |
The point still stands. All these things cost resources, some popcap. None of them have brace and nobody complained about it. Losing them is still bad. (I would not mind applying all of this to brit emplacements)
And brace, as it is, is cancerous and diametral to the games design, most people here seem to agree to that.
It's obvious something has to be done. And the more ideas the better, I'd say.
You mind giving me 400 man power and 75 fuel back for each 17P emplacement I've lost? Since with OKW I don't even notice when I get the 500 man power for the PaK 43, but the Brits are in a tougher spot than the OKW in the man power department. |
Agreed, either needs more suppression and/or damage decrease or lower it's price to that of the MG42 or lower, and by lower I mean 250 perhaps, not 210 like the MG34, 240 is the lowest price I'd put it at. |
I do know people like to spam the coh2 stats links to prove their point. But what you can't see from those is that game engine does count models and shots = RNG which shots hit and do HP damage.
So more shots = more likely hits on cover fighting and even more on dividing hits on models who have more models on squads. Seen so much USF riflemen 5xmodels taking a beating and only HP bar goes down, but that is because all the models get hits, but don't drop and timely retreat makes them not lose any manpower, compared to units with 4xmodels make them drop models always and much faster.
All this = Model count effect so much on hits received & how many shots you are doing. Reloading/cooldowns effect alot in this too.
This same DPS bullshits is only when laws of averages happens. That is why "Conscripts" are sometimes for people bad, but sometimes they are godly, because they are 6xmodel squads with 6xrifle damage popping and with RNG those salvos can suddenly all hit and for OST that means always atleast 1xmodel down, then you are fighting 3xrifle shots vs 6xrifle shots, which will always in the end make you lose, because the cons can just charge you to short range.
Other bonus is what the models are targeting, with more targets the dps is divided alot more. 4xmodels getting shot by 6xmodels = 4xmodel squad member getting hits alot more which makes them drop a model that much faster even with single model higher dps and when 1 model is down it lowers the dps 25% on them.
But in the end my opinion Volks > Grens, if you want durable infantry that you need in frontlines. If you need dps from backlines Grens > Volks.
Problem for OST they don't have any infantry really that they can just put to frontlines and have same durability like every other faction can. But you can always play around that with combined arms 
Osttruppen? |
It's the game, everytime I finish a game by VPs the game crashes.
hit 0 vps and bam!
I had that before, but this started happening recently right after the patch, I'm thinking it's because of the recent changes to the engine. |
Microsoft better suits the #PCMASTERRACE anyways... 
You mean the same bastards that made Halo (and more importantly Halo wars, a game I really wanted to play on the PC) Xbox exclusive just so they can force people to buy their console? Yeah sure Combat Evolved and 2 were on the PC but still, I want to play Wars as well, this is just a dick move in my book.
Also those same people that greenlit the remastered editions of their classic games (AoE II, AoM and Rise of Nations), yeah, those turned out to be horrible, I own AoM and you should just have a look at it's Steam forums, nothing to pride themselves in what the old game left in it's legacy. |
Aren't SEGA and Microsoft both publishers? So a publisher buying a publisher? Sounds interesting at the very least, never heard of such a thing before, nice find there. And I'm not saying it's not possible or anything, I'm just surprised, that's all. |
Then try it one more time. Put HMG42 ahead of Puma and then put DHSK ahead of Puma. See what happens.
120 wrecks... 120 is worse than 81mm. Just saying.
As for howies, check post above.
You have total 1 of Soviets as random and none AT. Unless you play only comp stopms or custom games all the time.
Of course the MG42 is arguably the best MG in the entire game, you can get it straight out of your HQ building for 260 man power, good damage, great Vet 1 ability that shreds light vehicles and so forth, but still, the DshK for 300 man power and only being in 2 Soviet commanders... I'd say it's worth something.
Also, go back and read what I wrote, using BOTH in combination, not just the 120mm mortar alone, of course that's a bit man power intensive but yeah...
Yeah saw that, but even if so don't think Relic would add the B4 to it, 152 sounds more logical if what you suggest get implemented or even considered.
Ah yes, the player card check, but as far as I'm aware this isn't the Balance section so yeah... and yeah I love comp stomps and custom games, doesn't mean weapon effectiveness changes tho, you're still facing enemy units by the numbers, sure, might not be in the same way you'd play against players but still. |
You really need to update your game.......
Few facts: T0 HMG42 is way way better agasint vehicles than 2CPs DSHK.
120mm is no better than stock 81mm. In fact there is no point of picking 120mm ever.
Sorry but I must ask. What's your multiplayer experience? Because with 1 random game as SU Im not surprised you are saygn that 120 is best mortar and DSHK wrecks vehicles...
I mostly play team games, your assumption is your own fault, I never said I play 1v1s.
And last time I played the DshK and 120mm mortar wrecked... one suppressed long enough for the other's shells to land directly on the enemy infantry units.
Edit: Yeah I'd agree more with the 152mm howitzer or B4, but again, the B4 is a premium unit so I don't know... |
How can you compare Pak43 and LeFH, high CP, heavy impact ablities/units to tank traps and AI mines?
Maybe you missed that USF Rifles can build FP, sandbags and mines from 1 ability.
SP can build tank traps, flak and trenches from 1 ability. Imagine with traps, trenches and flak were 3 different abilities in 1 commander.
Volks can buiuld bunkers and s-mines from 1 ability.
Therefore I can't find any reason why tanks traps and mines cannot be combined.
You can also ask why Cons don't have LMG upgrade while Grens have non doc LMG.
Thanks Kobunite!
You're suggesting defensive tactics get a premium commander unit in the form of the KV-2 which is no small feat to be honest, while if this was implemented the Wehr one would suck even more, I mean, why choose to play Wehr with all of it's shitty abilities compared to the awesome Soviet one? You get a .50 cal MG that shreds light vehicles, the best indirect fire support weapon in the game in the form of the 120mm mortar, trenches or whatever if they're combined, impassible tank traps and the KV-2 tank, compared to trenches, tank traps, hull down, Pak 43 which is probably the best thing about this doc, and Sector Arty which as you said is situational.
And yes I am very well aware that such abilities are often combined for the Western Front Armies but not for the East which is very puzzling for me, but still I can't explain to myself why the lack of basic field defense such as the sandbags for the Wehrmacht, a supposedly defensive Army as Relic have already stated with their info-graph or whatever.
My only suggestion is that if they were to really actually add the KV-2 to the Soviet defensive doctrine they should compensate the Wehrmacht with the Lefh 18 as well. |