Looks to me like you either need weed, or a girlfriend. Or lots of alcohol, also works. |
Yeah, don't fix Counter-Battery instead, and by fixing I don't mean nerfing to oblivion I mean actually adjusting the range so it can be viable in large map-team games as well and be better balanced than what it is now. But yeah whatever just nerf the already small bonus that usless 75ammo upgrade gives and delay the build a bit, people will just get Sappers then, what's the point? |
CoH 2 is not an RTS (Real-time strategy), its an RTT (Real-time tactics).
RTT doesn't have base building, in most RTT such as Total War and Men of War where you can't build units, you can however call in large formations of reinforcements but they still don't count. So no, CoH is still an RTS, it's mods tho like Europe in Ruin turn the game into RTT. |
I can't thank Relic for anything else but for CoH under THQ and modding in CoH 2. The balance, bugs and optimization in the game are horrible and not to mention I've been crashing for the past month and probably lost countless war spoils which I won't get back, specifically the Advanced Emplacements Commander which I lost when I crashed on the victory screen only to not find it the next time I launched the game. Did I also mention that their customer support is also horrible, I had to contact sega for support because nobody from Relic have yet replied. To be honest after having over 160 bucks wasted on the Collectors Edition, Expansions and Commanders they won't receive another cent from me, the bastards, it's all about the money now, we're all just money bags for them and nothing more, even if we are lifetime fans and supports ever since the release of CoH in 2006 and even before that with DoW, it's sickening what they have become. |
Special Weapons, definitely. |
My Advanced Emplacements Commander went missing as well after a recent freeze at the victory/war spoils screen, followed by a bugsplat window. I think you're supposed to make a ticket to Sega's support site like with Steam but can't help you more than that. |
Yeah a few units are missing here and there, and some don't have their correct names, just worth noting. |
I think you guys are forgetting people that actually have experience modding, those playing 1v1 and 2v2s exclusively probably have no idea on how to implement the balance changes while people like migra have different ideas and opinions on how balance changes would work and can be implemented since he's worked with the game engine, it will end up the same, 1v1 pros telling the balance guy to do this and this while the balance guy tells me that's not possible or it won't work or it can't be implemented and both parties will have to split up because they won't agree to each other. |
My point still stands, FRPs hurt 1v1 and maybe 2v2 but are essential in large map team games where the Bases are largely apart and these FRPs work well with both attackers and defenders.
Edit: how about you different "mods" for 1v1s and larger team games? They can just be separated inside the game itself. |
The Eastern Front Armies should both have forward retreat points like the Western ones, just doesn't make sense to me why they don't, as to the reason why no one should have them, yeah that maybe so in a 1v1 or 2v2 scenario but try 4v4, oh right sorry I forgot that balance shouldn't be about 4v4, BUT THE GAME MODE IS STILL IN THE GAME MEANING IT'S PART OF THE GAME AND BALANCE. Plus I don't see anybody complaining about the Brits in CoH, they could move their HQ truck anywhere on the map to become a forward retreat point in a sense while their captain had a separate retreat point ability on him as well so I don't see the problem here, it's a game feature, do you prefer retreating all the way back to your base and walking back to the front because f*** logic? Well then, go design your own game, I prefer to reinforce my units quickly and get back to the front, this ain't a parade, we're not here for the fancy walking/marching animations we're here for the fighting. |