Ah I do agree with the school grading thing, however you are American and in no position to make claims about school systems . As for the trolls and younger people who have not "experienced true classics of our time and just come here to prove that they are better than someone else", are you not suggesting in that very same post on this very forum that you are better than them just for having experienced games in a time when they were not around yet ?
You are indeed the soldier of duality!
Har Har.
All I'm suggesting is that knowledge comes with experience, experience which many people that play these games lack.
Why do you think so many people fall for pre-orders and Early Access crap that will never even leave development hell?
Not to mention the stupid things I see on kick starter.
A game doesn't need to be "complex" and micro intensive in order to be competitive. People willing to fight against each other and people wanting to WATCH it makes a competitive scene healthy (ex. take a look at the stance of Nintendo and Smash).
Besides whatever your opinion on COH2 is, it was a success BUT i'll say it could had even be greater if not for some serious glaring issues which kept showing from time to time. The sales were there, same with number of people playing. The problem here is that sometimes people here don't want to realise that:
-RTS is a NICHE GENRE. Old are the days of the golden ERA were RTS was one of the most popular genres.
-Fast food games > Complexity. Even as something as hardcore as Cuphead, has a simple entry barrier.
-No one can cater to the MOBA fan base, because RTS are not MOBAs. You can't change the complexity execution (macro wise, it's more simple to manage a single unit with a complex button array than multitasking), stress factors and reward feeling from RTS to make it more likeable to MOBA players.
If anything, Relic should take a look at what Blizzard did with SC2, but not in the PvP aspect, but rather on the PvE and non competitive modes. IMO the arcade, archon and specially the co-op are amazingly done even if i don't play it, cause from the financial part, this is where the most players are coming from.
Co-op is something which has been abandoned (Theatre of War) and something which should had been the main cash bag, at least commander wise (instead of messing with it in the multiplayer). Archon mode (2 people controlling a single army) could be something interesting to play with, specially if you could pair a "good" lone player vs a duo of lesser skill ones.
Yes I was wrong, however in this day and age it is hard to tell what problems originated from the developer and what was mandated by the publisher.
According to the wiki page, Sega acquired Relic/THQ Canada on January 22, 2013. The release date of Company of Heroes 2 was June 25, 2013. So this is largely THQ oversight rather than Sega.
I understand that some people kids but I can say I am not. I do have a youtube channel which you can see my actual face. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjaG4wIJxdKQLZPy3uDC9pg
For my background, I mostly play all sorts of games. Age of Empires, Civilization, Wargame/SD, Heroes and Generals, FTL, Railroad Tycoon 2 etc. While I did play League for a time, I just got fed up with imbalances. The fact I can mod and balance CoH2 while not being super complex to mod. This way I can balance the game or at least as I see fit. Do not worry, I am developing a mod now to focus on trying to fix teching, basic tools, and of course, doctrines.
I will agree with you that the DLC problems were evident even in THQs days with DoW2, however, being as it may SEGA had the final word in CoH2's development and that's even why the game was delayed once SEGA acquired Relic. Same goes for it's expansions and overall balance after the game's release. There was no day 1 DLC for both Space Marine and DoW2, while there was for CoH2, same as Rome 2 Total War, both published by SEGA, further proving my point. And yes while not exactly so for DoW3 I believe the idea was to test the waters first, and had they made day 1 DLC the game would have even less players and more negative reviews than even now.
Me against the world huh? You will do great things here.
Maybe you're right and I'm just fed up with all of these trolls and younger than me people that haven't experienced some of the true classics of our time. I still believe tho that people are simply playing games nowadays more to prove that they're better than someone else (being competitive) than to just have fun, same thing in school, the grading system is forcing us to try and achieve a better grade instead of focusing more on actually trying to learn something, you may cheat, you may lie, you may even go as far as to fuck over a classmate or friend, but you will get that grade in order to pass.
Besides the sheer awkwardness of borderline busting out the term "kid" as an insult on an online forum what elements actions has relic taken to appeal to the moba community exactly? I have my own philosophy for where balance patches and game design should head towards for the next coh game but I would love a bit more clarification/specific examples.
RTS games and how much they should/should not borrow from the moba space is a pretty hot topic right now but a lot of people differ in their interpretation of signature moba mechanics.
I haven't edited my comment, quote where I wrote the word "kid" exactly.
And I don't believe that I'm wrong in my assumptions, since it's painfully obvious most of the time but most of you won't ever admit it.
THQ was Relic's publisher until 2013, the game got released after almost an year under SEGA.
And honestly, I'll risk sounding like an asshole but I just need to say this, I have a lot of respect for you as a modder, but I see that as a person you're probably younger than me and have never played the first CoH.
And that's the problem, most of you come from DOTA and LoL's competitive background, and that's why SEGA changed Relic's direction towards CoH2 and DoW3 and that's why we have these shitty balance changes.
As others have mentioned, the game was more balanced between the Ostheer and Soviets in the beginning, what changed was Relic's new direction towards competitive and ESL with the release of the WFA and trying to implement gimmicky asymmetrical balance for some stupid reason, so it's not just the bugger amount of Armies needed be balanced.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, CoH and CoH 2 were made for fun, tactical, semi realistic, fun. They were never meant to be competitive StarCraft type games, and never will be. Continuing to balance CoH 2, DoW 3 and any future games in this direction will lead to their ultimate bankruptcy because whatever they do, they will not be able to cater to the MOBA fan base.
Factions can afford to have gimmicky stuff for flavor, as long as basic utility is covered for elsewhere by other, reliable units.
When OKW had schreckblobs, they had the AT defence department covered. Raketens had the niche of being good at ambushing stuff, but were completely crap at anything else pre-buffs; they had a normal arc of fire and very crappy aiming times.
When schreckblobs got replaced by the current Volks, the raketenwerfer suddenly had to fill the void of covering for the entire AT department. The mistake so far is trying to rely on release-time raketens to fill a normal AT role. The resulting buffs to the Raketenwerfer made the thing despicable by everyone:
- People hate using that thing, because it's so completely unreliable. The squad formation (which we cannot further improve) and short range means it can get one-shot wiped by the tanks it is supposed to defend against (because its role is no longer ambushing stuff)
- People also hate having to fight vs raketens because stealth counters are generally absent in CoH2 (the only things that can detect stealth, allied-side are M3, M20 and UC; and guess what Raketenwerfer should protect OKW against...), and Raketenwerfer also has retreat which makes infantry flanks futile
Instead, OKW needs a normal AT gun that doesn't get wiped by tanks, but can be threatened by infantry to cover the AT department. If preserving raketenwerfer design is desirable for whatever reason, there are options to do so:
- Completely replace raketen with pak40 non-doc, and move raketenwerfer to, e.g., overwatch
- replicate current raketen design to soviet m42 gun (Soviets have a normal AT gun that gets the job done, and m42 could finally find a niche as a gimmick gun)
- Reconstruct raketen as a pak40 clone (i.e., worse reload, worse arc, no retreat, but 60 range and better accuracy) and only carry over the safe gimmicks (e.g., Soviet AT gun-grade camouflage and garrisoning). However, retreat needs to go.
I have a stupid question. Why is the raketen's accuracy bugged in the first place?
I honestly don't like the idea.
Nobody plays the M42, you would need a new model for that which probably will not happen.
In addition, OKW has the Raketenwerfer that has a pretty nice penetration in T0.
Ostheer has the PaK40 in T2 which is probably the best mobile AT gun in the game. And nobody that is not out of their mind skips Ostheer T2. And if they do, they usually have a Puma in the back of their hands because otherwise T70, AECs and Stuarts will squinch your balls.
So no, no need for a PaK36, don't request units only because they are cool.