Should be replaced with Cavalry Riflemen if you ask me, if somebody wants the AE they can go Armored Company, I see no reason why not give them a unique campaign unit call in like Heavy Cav Company with their Rangers.
It would not only spice up Mechanized commander but it would also introduce a better synchro with the 76mm Shermans especially if you replace the Mortar HT with Armored Cav's Tank-Infantry support ability, forgot it's name.
Maybe a unique trait they'd have is be able to upgrade in the field instead of having to go to the base to arm themselves?
Give em like a 70 muni costing x1 Bar upgrade and a 60 muni costing x1 Bazooka upgrade, or a combined upgrade for like 120/130 muni that gives them both, whatever you guys think would be balanced.
And the Mortar HT is kinda overlapping with the infantry mortar which I think can be carried in the Cav Riflemen HT if I'm not mistaken so having a dedicated Mortar HT just doesn't seem feasible altho making sense since it's a Mechanized force that needs to constantly stay mobile.
Thanks in advance for reading.
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.42763.871+5
- 2.302163.649+2
- 3.286110.722-2
- 4.12644.741-1
- 5.312114.732+8
- 6.193100.659+3
- 7.1171650.643+2
- 8.727425.631-2
- 9.14760.710-2
- 10.725443.621-2