Hello guys,
I've recently experienced the close air support commander and I must tell that the recon strafe is quite fast, and in reality to fast to be good.
The vision area is too restricted for this flight speed so in order to adress this problem one can either reduce the flight speed (thus making it more vulnerable to AA) or make the vision area wider.
Personnaly I'd prefer a slower flight speed, plus it might be easier to just change the number for the flight speed than for the vision area.
Thanks for your consideration.
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.43063.872+8
- 2.56480.876+3
- 3.800454.638-1
- 4.303163.650+3
- 5.313114.733+9
- 6.12744.743+1
- 7.194101.658-1
- 8.282161.637+1
- 9.371284.566-1
- 10.14059.704+7