Here are my thoughts on the Soviet Tank Hunter Tactics
Make Salvage a passive ability
Merge PTRS + AT Grenade Assault (grenades locked behind upgrade)
Replace? mines with Tank Traps (Smaller and more practical Soviet green cover for use on points!)
Add Mark Target
Add AT Gun Ambush Camo (improve it with first strike)
PTAB Strike remains as is.
-new ability Tank Ambush Tactics: toggle ability for T-34, Su-76 and Su-85, when active tank will camouflaged, immobilased + first strike bonus
Ding, ding, ding!
I feel like utilizing AT Gun Ambush Camo within the commander and giving a similar first strike bonus to the AT Gun Ambush Camo not only accomplishes more or less the same thing but also makes use of and improves upon an existing, underwhelming ability that is shared across multiple commanders. Thoughts?