General Information
Register Time: 4 Feb 2013, 18:44 PM
Twitter: @AirfixPanzer
Residence: United Kingdom
Nationality: United Kingdom
Timezone: Europe/London
Game Name: AirfixPanzer
Sluzbenik, you make great points. At the moment the 3 v 3 4 v 4 scene is totally German orientated but this is why we need more maps.
I've said in other posts, good Russian teams in big games are awe-inspiring in a way Ostheer ones are not. I learnt stacks about how to skilfully use a sniper / clown car in a 3 v 3 on Rhzev the other day, the guy had superb micro and I was totally outplayed.
Obviously, I want the CoH community (by which I mean *all* the titles in the series) to grow. From casual / grassroots to the hardcore e-sports crowd. And I know that these sorts of posts have been made before, but in my opinion it is good to resuscitate the topic as it is so important.
I will declare my interest - I am a veteran CoH player who will only ever be mediocre in competitive play. I like all aspects of CoH from campaigns through to team comp-stomps through to 1 v 1. I love the Theatre of War concept. I am not representative of the community here, for example, but I'm subscribed to all the big shoutcasters here and watch their work. I watch the tournaments and streams when I have time. People like 'you' (to be blunt) need players like 'me' to grow the fanbase. It's a beneficial and symbiotic relationship that needs to flourish.
So, thoughts if you will on:
1. Casual versus Competitive: This isn't a false / binary distinction. I think like any endeavour, it is from the casual / grassroots base that the elite players evolve. Big casual base = better of chance of (a) elite players and (b) viewer / spectator base. For example, I like rugby. I used to play at a low level and really enjoy it. I still follow the game and watch professional rugby. Is my interest respected by the professional base? Hell yes. This needs to be replicated in the e-sports field.
2. Snobbery: the community needs to rise above the sneering attitude to casual players. When responsible pro sportsmen see kids playing a kickabout game, or some amateurs enjoying a game of basketball in a carpark, do they sneer? No they don't, they often feel enthused that people dig their sport. We need to see this. Rather than LOL CoMPStomPEr Hurr Hurr we need to see that turned into an opportunity to tempt players into competition *at their level* to see if they can progress, find their level, enjoy and keep the community alive.
3. Content: CoH needs DLC and flashy features to keep going. We need to realise and embrace that. My own opinion is that eventually CoH2 will need a proper competitive mode, an elite setting that levels the playing field for proper tourney play. This is the standard that all causal players should aspire to... but if they enjoy gonzo 3 v 3 and 4 v 4 with DLC units (I know I do, I loved CoHO) then why not? As I said, this isn't a binary distinction.
4. Community: I wonder if there is room for a caster who specialises in casual play - for example a youtube channel that revels in showing casual 3 v 3 / 4 v 4 type games. Krebs used to fill this gap to a certain extent (you know, the guy people troll and scoff at but who has about 30000 regular viewers). Anything that reflects the celebrates the stuff people find fun can only be a good thing.
5. Relic: We're spoilt by the great CM relationship we have here with folks like Noun. Can they please take note of the casual player base which will flourish with custom lobbies. This and ladders *are* the issue. Balance schmalance. The finer details of unit 'A's DPS versus unit 'B's is of less significance *at this point in time* than being able to create a custom 4 v 4 with high resources, in a lobby, so people can play those crazy Montargis / Hochwald type games.
6. Thanks for reading, tl;dr we are one community. Love and peace!
I'm not playing 1 v 1 because (a) as has been said I feel locked into certain builds in a way I wasn't in vCoH and (b) because I'm crap and getting the snot kicked out of me game after game is feeling a bit old.
I will bounce back. I like CoH2. I really miss the community / lobby aspect of the game though and am amazed that it shipped without it.
Some of my happiest games were with friends, set up in the lobby with custom options. I can't do that in CoH2. Why?
t60 was for primarily anti infantry at best carried a 20mm TNSn Cannon (beginning of war it carried a 50 cal.) this would make it a solid infantry killer and could damage light veichles a bit as well.
however if you needed more AT power you could then could buy an up gun to the t70 model which actually had a anti tank gun. the anti infantry capabilities wouldn't be as good but would be able to better handle vehicles and tanks. (not to much.)