Why is there this community desire to have the developers pause working on fixing the game to talk to us? The community managers have the actual job of collecting information on what the developers are working on and presenting it to the community. If a developer does get community face time, I guarantee you they will tell you the same thing the community managers are. It also means the updates we will all want ASAP are going to be pushed back, because they have to stop working to setup and record videos.
I was talking literally anything. How about a weekly blog post of John, detailing what actually goes on. We know jack shit except "balanse talk stream" and that the console version is being worked on. There is no consistent communication since launch. A weekly sign of life from relic would make people go less balistic, So that they atleast know that things are happening or if it gets dropped like DoW3.
All these "lets pretend" roadmaps with the [Redacted] gimmicks are obnoxious and we all know that those usually mean terrible things by now e.g. in-game store.