Considering the extremely poor amount of unit diversity in the game (like seriously were are all the COOL Sherman variants?) multiple armies from the same country do make a bit more sense. For instance a Soviet faction that focused on elite infantry like marines or paratroopers would be cool.
A combined Italian and German army would be interesting, especially if it focused on artillery and support weapons instead of the no-tank all infantry blob fest OKW is.
Also your spamming of "le ebin krupp steel meme" is really annoying lol. Nobody mentions it on this forum except people looking for something to whine about.
I'm in full agreement with this post. Both in that countries aren't really used to their full potential, and in that the Krupp Schteel meme isn't really a thing on .org. |
Thompsons are the highest DPS SMG in the game, it would be insanely broken to give every single squad Thompsons.
Not at all. Paratroopers (don't use the elite infantry argument, they're buffed up conscripts with nice upgrades) get 4 of them on top of an amazing ability and manage to be underused.
A single Thompson also doesn't have much more DPS than a single BAR so I'm not sure where you're coming from. A Thompson that costs 25 munitions and occupies a slot would be just fine; 2 Thompsons on Riflemen won't make them Shock Troops.
Also the Thompson isn't all that strong, really just similar to Shock Troops' PPSh if not a bit stronger; but any substantial difference comes from Tactical Assault.
I don't understand. Grease gun is just a stamped metal Thompson with a slower rate of fire that actually weighs less. What's wrong with elite troops using them? they don't have wooden stocks?
Thompson is far more iconic and M3 Grease Gun looks rather dinky. Plus it has been an unwritten rule since CoH1. |
Some historical things:
Panzer IV short as the core doctrinal tank is wrong. It was a minority tank in the panzergruppes.
What was present in large quantities in 1941 was the 50mm platoon mortar- this could be included.
Infantry squads were also large and better trained than later in the war.
Flak 88 guns were attached to tank units as a defense against possible soviet heavy models.
G41 should not be there.
You should include motorcyclists (elite infantry, with Calvary symbols)- a huge part of Barbarossa. The K-battalions were discontinued at the end 1942.
Yeah but none of those things are in game. |
New changes folks:
- Armor Company now has a Thompson Weapon Rack at CP2. This is the same Thompson used by Paras, for 25 muni. For technical reasons, squads that include Rear Echelon can't pick it up. And Rangers can't either because they start with better Thompsons to begin with. Vehicle crews get a bundle at 60 Muni.
- Counterattack Tactics -> Fragmentation Bomb (Mobile Defense Doctrine)
- Weapon Racks are 70 MP cheaper each, and Major is 140 MP more expensive. This should improve the viability of weapon racks while reducing the advantage of going Major over side-teching.

thompson weapon rack and i may never play another faction again.
Feel free! I'd love to see how it works out.
Implemented in my mod now.  |
Yes, they are almost same, only visual difference is the shorter barrel of 53-K.
Also to make Zis-2 AT gun, you just need cut off muzzle breaker and make the barrel longer, from this perspective no one will tell the difference between 57mm and 76mm.
Erm, you can't edit models. I'm also not making a mod about this.
ZiS-3 is already a 1941 item, according to Wikipedia. |
M-42, at spring 1942 first prototype, full production January 1943.
Zis-3, its tricky, it was prototype gun, production was cancelled and resumed in December 1941.
M-42 could just be renamed 53-K I suppose. |
Both of them are 1942. I think 53-K will be in good place.
Wikipedia mentions 1941 for its production, unless you know something that isn't immediately obvious? Even then it could be an F-22 using the same model. |
The ZiS-3 actually fits the timeline so the M-42 can remain doctrinal. ZiS-3 would come in quite late as it would be like a Pak43 in this setting (not in damage or range but penetration), since a lot of things need to be replaced, M-42 would probably need to be more commonplace in doctrines anyway. |
But in same time, of course, Panzer 38T and PzKpfw III are non doctrinal core tanks - all seems legit.
FaustCostBulletin - you also cant use shocks, technically they are ShISBr, and it was formed in 1943. For light vehicle it could be BA-10 or BA-I.
Yeah, that leaves Guards and Conscripts. Quite the pickle really, the entire Soviet faction needs to be torn apart for a true 1941 faction. |