Because they shouldn't?
So that supposed extra power that should make up for shitty panzerfussi early game is just bullshit?
It's only shitty if you build straight fusiliers and nothing else. If you mix them in with volks, your opening will be fine
The problem is what to do with those volks mid-late. Which is a volks problem |
They win even in THE BEST possible range for Panzerfusiliers
Why shouldn't they? Riflemen are best mainline in the game by far
Of course the upgrade costs more. It doesn't only provide g43s |
that was a changed that was made when they buffed the close range dps as a draw back, it seems obvious if u make and buff and a nerf to a unit when u revert the changes u would revert both
btw we should make them a clone to volks insated by your logic ? what's the point of the weak
Where the fuck are you getting this stuff from? Can you stop making up random shit that has nothing to do with what I'm saying?
so from your ass ? ok
u know someone like penal battalion played the game too he said make 1 men squad rifle should we listen to him ? i mean he said "i used them in game" what's more to prove his point ? we all know looking at stats and doing test is for brainless people right ?
Have I said anything like this? Have I said nerf fusiliers at all? Have I said anything even remotely close to this nonsense your whining about? No. I just said they don't need to pick up a weapon after the upgrade, because it's good enough as is. Especially if stg volks is 2 weapon slots. If anything give volks a weapon slot back and keep g43s as 2
5 sight range, too much utility bro you were talking about the upgrade right ? it's 5 sight range of utilty please either you focus on the upgrade or the unit as whole u don't get to chery pick what u want for argument’s sake, u refred as the upgarde having woth 2 weapon slot adn 90 mun so the bonuses are 3 g43 whicha re weaker than green g43 1 more man and 5 sight range where is the versatility of the upgrade itslef other than the 5 sight range ? or are u saying we should count the base cost of the squad for their ability which you are alredy paying more than other squad (270mp and 25 mp)
I was talking about the utility of the whole squad. I know this is an international forum but you seriously need to try to read/write better. This is getting out of hand
im not being a troll i would like u to chose if u want to discuss the squad a whole or the upgrade itself, cause until now u cherry picked what u wanted, make your point but do it without cherry picking
You know upgrades are personalized for squads right? I'm not even sure what your trying to say here. The upgrade and the squad are linked. Thats not cherrypicking, it's just talking about how the game works
Can you seperate the lmg42 upgrade from grens? No, it's specifically designed for them. The lmg42 would be OP on almost any other squad besides grens
u said that panzerfusilier are spammed in team game, and tried to find a reason that u already had the answer too that was what i pointing out
by your own word volks are weak so people are using PF
no need more convoluted ideas
there is no need to touch PF
btw since u are not willingly to do some tests or check stats can u post your replays of PF spam so we can at least check that or are we supposed to just believe like some flat earth cult ?
I have not used the word spam once. Stop making shit up to argue against |
You want me to open cheat command and post screens of the result I got (post revert)? They absolutely get shredded by 1 bar rifleman even at 35 range
Just 1 out of 6 panzerfusiliers squad won at 3 models left
Please do, cause I'm very curious about your definition of the word "shredded"
I expect rifles to win, idk about shred |
they said
We are reverting the changes to Panzerfusiliers to prevent them from completely overshadowing Volksgrenadiers, particularly in team games.
Kar98k and G43 weapon changes reverted
Cost changes reverted
>We are reverting the changes to Panzerfusiliers
im quite sure it means all changes
If they don't want fusiliers to "overshadow volks", why the fuck would they give them back their weapon slot? When volks upgrade literally takes up 2??? That makes zero sense
and they are powerful enough cause u must have done some testes right i mean u are not pulling all this out of your ass cause it's "muh opinion" right ?
I've done tests, I've used them in game, I've played against them
i mean why don't u tell me their power since u must know it quite well, they are powerful enough right ? What do they beat ? Cause at least to me it seems they in power are worse than penal
btw please dont' spin it again with utility u just said power, don't switch thing to make them more confusing
Can you try to stop being a troll for 1 post? Just one? It's their combination of power and utility, and you know that. You know damn well they are a versatile squad, that its literally their fucking design dude. Give me a break, Jesus Christ
you are contradicting yourself and responding your own question
"why people use PF in team game ?"
"volks are weak and people prefer the late game so they use PF, PF don't need a damn thing at all"
Point out exactly where I asked that question? I didn't, because I'm not at all confused about why people use fusiliers. You have completely lost your mind dude, your arguing against things I never said or even thought about
Like I would love your explanation on how saying volks need help contradicts saying fusiliers don't... That's literally the opposite of a contradiction |
Panzerfusiliers are supposed to suck in early game to be good at late game, and at the same be shredded by 1 bar riflemen
? |
dude ok, i want you and kat to point me out WHERE i have said PF need buffs in this thread especially to eraly game, im point out that
1) patch notes says they reverted they changes and they did not
Yeah they reverted the buffs, because they realized that was a terrible idea
2) there is no reason for the 2 slot since the squad is designed with the upgrade is mind and is the reason of their overpriced tag, wither they are supposed to be weak early and strong late or the opposite
Sure there is. The squad is plenty powerful enough without being able to pick up another weapon after upgrade. That's the reason right there
Just like cons are good enough only being able to pick up one dropped weapon. They lost their 2nd weapon slot long before 7 man upgrade was added. Because they didn't need the ability to pick up 2 dropped weapons. 1 was enough, even though they don't get an upgrade (at the time)
3)since u both don't understand this, in team game u might not believe it but the game last a lot longer than 1 vs 1 so by paying a bit of extra price early game PF have more pay off late game and the doc used in team game both contain PF so yes they are used more than volks in team game as they care more for they late game than their map presence , same reason we don't see much ostruppen in team game, should they give them ton of buff since we never see them ? even if it's clear the design is for 1 vs 1 ?
I'm well aware of the differences between 1v1 and team games stug. Fusiliers are practically meta in team games, they should not receive any buffs. Even cost reductions
Volks are what needs help. Not fusiliers. They don't need a damn thing at all. Even slight buffs/cost changes to fusiliers will just kill volks even more. Which is exactly why those changes were reverted |
are u really talking about timing when the PF come literally crippled being worse than cons until upgrade while costing 270 MP ?
What the fuck does this have to do with whether or not they should be able to pick up a weapon after the upgrade? Absolutely nothing. The opening of those factions is completely different
I only pointed out that you cannot compare those upgrades without talking about timing. You are the one who made the terrible comparison in the first place. And you continue to do it by comparing them to Riflemen now which is hilarious
u have to decide, is the upgrade like other upgrade so it should reflect only the upgrade value so u reduce the reinforce and and staring cost of PF or is the upgrade design to be the standard of the squad so the squad reflect the cost and reinforce that it has when it's 6 men ?
I only have to decide this if I agree with you that the upgrade isn't worth it. I don't. The upgrade is fine, and is absolutely worth the cost. You cannot compare it 7 man cons when you need to wait until t4 to get that upgrade.... It's pretty simple
Are you under the impression fusiliers are bad? Because they are incredibly popular in team games, how can you possibly think they need ANY help |
be sure the read the whole post 
I did read the whole thing... Just didn't quote it for format (see how you quoted part of my post that wasn't even addressed to you? called saving space)
Is the fusilier upgrade locked behind t4? Are you on crack? You compare their costs without comparing timing? |
If the G43's take up both slots I don't believe that is intended as the most recent patch notes stated they were reverting all changing to make Fusiliers the same as how they are in the live game.
I think they are only reverting the stat changes. They said they are reverting them so that they don't overshadow volks, so it wouldn't make sense to give them back the weapon slot. Given that StGs still take up 2 slots for volks
as shown in testes the fire power of the 3 g43 rifle does not warrant 2 weapon slot,
if u want i can compare them to rifle bar but really it changes nothing to the point im making
the g43 upgrade is not worth 2 weapon slot
and if we go by your logic than a lot of weapons should be worth more than 1 weapon slot
You do realize g43s aren't the only thing that upgrade gives you... Right?
the 7 men upgrade adds 1 more rifle 1 more model reduced reinforce cost and time,reduced vet requirement and cost 50 mun+ 18mp cost 1 weapon slot
You do realize conscripts only get 1 weapon slot to begin with right? In exchange they are more survivable and provide great utility. Sound familiar?
There is absolutely no reason fusiliers should be able to pick up another weapon after upgrading to g43s. If you're actually suggesting they're not good enough with that upgrade already, then you're clinically insane. And yes, it is worth the cost |