You do realize the flaw in that statement I hope?
Said it badly, but you get what I mean.
If the soviet sniper team does not retreat and the German gets the first shot, the German sniper will get the 2nd shot before the Soviet sniper gets the first shot. |
So I should give up national identity and pride in favor of a (false) utopian society where everybody gets along and is perceived as equal even though we're not?
This is not against nationalism in general, this is about irrational nationalism. |
Why should it be wiped out?
Because it's not healthy for us as a race to compete so vigorously and ignorantly for two nations armed to the teeth. |
Nationalism is great. It's irrational Nationalism that's the problem.
It happens too often these days in the powerful countries.
I suppose there are reasons for it but it must be wiped out. |
Well, the problem is the Soviet Sniper is a good counter to the German Sniper, but the same doesn't work in reverse.
If the soviet sniper gets countersniped first, if the Soviet doesn't react, then the German will kill both men in the squad. |
Haha! Oh man. You always get somebody who brings the U.S. into an argument like this when it's not even about them.
Regardless, the truth is the truth. Isn't it that similar observations of ppl made around the world valid to talk about here?
BTW, I'm Chinese from Australia just saying ^^ and I absolutely hate nationalism - there is simply no point in it in the wider perspective of things. |
Nazism was chauvinistic nationalism made manifest and brought to extremes. When you get right down to it, in practice what the Nazis did and what the Communists did were absolutely identical, with the only exception being handling of economic situations.
If you need to look at the byproduct of moronic levels of nationalism, you only need to look at history. But of course, Russians wouldn't know what history is outside of their prescribed Russian nationalist indoctrination. I bet you think Putin is harbinger of freedom too, right?
Too bad the Americans never listened to Patton.
The same goes for Americans these days. I suppose these days, if you have global power, everyone just indoctrinates to death. |
Lol that's awesome INVINCIBLE COMMISINAR!!! |
The German sniper has a faster fire rate than the Soviet sniper. It has an even faster fire rate with vet. It also camos much faster than the Soviet Sniper
The thing you do with a sniper (especially with the current map choices) is you keep it in the back while your Grenadiers screen for your sniper. You can keep on racking up kills that way.
Pretty much, if you don't end up losing your sniper to indirect fire or countersnipers or vehicles, you're doing it wrong. |
As much as I like blizzards and use blizzards to attack, I would agree, 10 blizzards in a game seems horribly unrealistic and a pain to get through.
There should really be a cap on the number of blizzards per hour of gameplay. |