my favorite is when you give a reverse order on the other side of a gap that is not quite wide enough for your tank to go through.
Solution? Rotate 180 degrees in place, exposing your rear to the enemy. Then, reverse toward the enemy to take a suicidal detour around whatever obstacle is in the way.
meh i have noticed that kingtigers just rotate 180 degress because of shell holes or part of tree that usually units just push, but no, the 70 ton kingtiger CANNOT push it. it must go around the log. so very frustrating.
I'd really love to see some of that WFA profit go into paying some of the programmers some overtime to get these issues fixed. That would be nice.
i got banned from the official forums for saying they needed to work overtime to fix the lag and connection issues of pvp when coh2 very first came out and it was lag fest. be careful what you say. but i totally agree that relic should be putting in more than 8 hour days to fix the huge amount of bugs, drops that are now happening since wf release, and pathfinding. instead they will work those 8 hours to make new commanders with new bugs and new vehicles with even worse pathfinding.