After like 5 1v1 games as USF, my build order has been 4xRE to LT and 2xMG and here's what I think. The riflenade damage output is good, not too strong and not too weak. now considering, that the upgrade costs 60 muni, it is worth mentioning that in the early game I didn't really feel the impact. But I did have the capping power which was nice. Later stages, the riflenades will do enough damage to idle squads and MG's if I manage to flank well enough, so its extra micro for my opponent. Tho keeping RE's alive requires extra attention.
Right now, its assgren + pgren blob vs riflenades and Its a good counter for this sort of axis strategy (most players play wehr atm). I haven't played anyone top50 yet, so I think this strategy is fairly difficult against a good opponent as it does require a good micro to pull off. It's a gimmic strat and I do believe this will ease off soon enough. I personally see that RE's gain a little boost with the upgrade, nothing game breaking. Also, mp bleed is quite heavy with RE's constantly dying.
Considering Team games, I had success in both 2v2 games I had, but it wasn't easy, both games dragged to 1H mark and RE's weren't the backbone of my army.
I do like the commander, but seriously, riflenades aren't as op as I read from this thread. They are different for sure, but not gamebreaking and I wouldn't mind them being as they are, a little flavor to the commander.
Now I will get some games as axis and see what others do with them.
I's somehow 350-500 rank player for axis/allies and like switching armies (I don't use key shortcuts and can't play too often) but I agree completely with the above. There are rifle nades for echelons but ost finally has some more sensible close quarter units. RE now sort of balance those long range infantry units such as lmggrens while ost got new cqc units. Let's play and experiment more before judging it too quickly. I thing that us/ost matchup got so much more veriety after this patch so thank yopu everybody who worked to implement it.