More or less it is a better version of sand-bags.
look and be impressed

A. Soldier and Vipper tested it... they like it... so give it a try.
Still old mod... play as Ostheer, build Meisterosttruppen in HQ und build the Schützengraben. There are two of them, so build the right one! xD
ONLY A TEST-MOD (you can find my idea for an Observation-Bunker too...) and my Sdkfz. 251/3 in HQ
EDIT: 30.04.2019 ~ 01:30 German-Time
- "green cover" in all directions (orientation not imporant)
- extra 30% less damage for all infantry
- infantry can jump over it
- all vehicles can cross over
- to prevent road-kills all vehicles will be slow down while Crossing (speed to 0,1 - rotation to 0,5)
- pioniers can remove them
EDIT: 30.04.2019 ~ 02:10 German-Time
Trench now spawns with right HP when damaged while constructing.
EDIT: 30.04.2019 ~ 14:45 German-Time
- Meisterosttruppen (the creator of the trench) can now remove them.