meanwhile jagers massacre penals at all ranges ABOVE 10... and its not like they can close the gap without getting EXTERMINATED
an argumentum ad hominem is an attempt to detract the point via baseless insults... you have not added one valid point on that specific argument and in older arguments insisted that they are balanced like the little wehraboo you are
which are both false as my tests proved... but you deny it because that sodium hypochlorite has damaged your brain
which proves you are a fucking wehraboo
and of course theres that dumb combined arms argument of yours thinking that any other faction`s combined arms can match the COST EFFICIENCY of JLI + volk + rakaten combo...
also its not like volks were already the most cost efficient line infantry pre patch... the addition of JLI broke everything...
1. democracy isnt always right
2. i didnt ignore points i cannot refute... im about to make a post addressing sanders by running further tests which i shall do shortly
3. when i did make a mistake i admit it and acknowledge it like the 6cp estimate
4. if you are suggesting conscripts against OKW...quite literally the worst line infantry ingame... then you are retarded
5. the balance between OKW wehr and SOV was solid pre patch... penals rolled OKW with the M3 early on but OKW could make a strong comeback later in the game with heavy volk STG play obers and MG-34 combined arms...
youve read the 221 post but you didnt even bother to read my comments... good work retard
in both cases i supported a penal nerf... in fact im not a fan of sov T1 play myself... i was only FORCED to adapt sov T1 play after the (over)buffing of penals due to the december patch (2 years ago i think)... i entered COH 2 primarily as a wehrmacht and soviet support weapon player... my preferred tactic is lots of standoff weapons to keep you at a distance attempt to intercept any flanking moves and keep using my standoff weapons to whittle you down from a distance... very ost like indeed...
but ive also adopted the penal assault strategy quite well too... its just that JLI smash that playstyle by virtue of sheer cost efficiency...
lastly i can throw your argument back at you
It seems like you just want JLI to beat everything and you cant deal with trying to counter penals. All I gather from your posts, is you probably blob volks and QQ because it doesn't work against soviet T1 doctrines now. Get a grip fool.
and you clearly show your arrogance and lack of understanding beyond analysis of any data judging by your closed mindedness to any data beyond the limitations of your dumbass biases... it is probable that you are a simple highschool graduate that did not achieve any collage level or postgraduate level education as you clearly have not undergone or at least not understood the basic concept of research
Firstly, I have a bachelor of science, majoring in analytical chemistry and organic chemistry. I also have 4 statistic minors

. I work in a research laboratory, studying chirality. I'm also currently undertaking my masters.
I can assume by you trying to act of superior intellect whilst also being a soviet main, that you have a liberal arts degree and possibly coloured hair and a boyfriend.
Secondly, I have 200 more games as soviets, than any other faction.
Third, you may insinuate all you like about my skill, but I have previously challenged you to a 1v1 and you ignored it.
So you have again drawn entirely erroneous conclusions from everything I wrote.
How come, JLI haven't been used or considered OP before the patch? They were the same except the sniper model was worse against cover and xp requirements were ~33% higher.
Honestly, I think you're just bad and unable to adapt.