
russian armor

Feedback for Commander Revamppatch

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27 Sep 2018, 05:01 AM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Why are we giving USF elite crews better repairs to the faction that already has the best repairs? :facepalm:
27 Sep 2018, 07:34 AM
avatar of capiqua
Senior Mapmaker Badge

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

Riegel are very annoying; immobilized vehicles with half of health on medium tanks for only 50mu (60mu of the M20 they do the same). It's better than a satchels Penals (45mun)
27 Sep 2018, 07:46 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

76mm Sherman
--Soviet Sherman now has the exact same abilities and veterancy as the American M4A3 76mm.
-Speed from 6.4 to 6.5; speed matches Soviet Sherman

Mirroring 76mm Sherman (USF) and M4C is totally uncalled for. Different faction have different strengths and weakness, different tech cost,...

In the specific case allied supply drop also affects the timing of the vehicle.

Having the same unit perform different across faction and having different prices is not a new thing and actually applies to allot of units like M3, M5, PzIV, Panthers,...

The unit should have different vet bonuses and not that ones designed for T-34/76 that are op.

Trying to balance the unit in 2 different faction makes balancing more difficult while add nothing to the game and should be avoided.
27 Sep 2018, 08:02 AM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

why do concrete bunkers cost popcap, when every other repair bay does not? i think either make the other repair bays cost popcap as well or make only the mg upgrade cost popcap.

That's a point. Maybe concrete bunker 3 pop and soviet repair-station 2 pop?
27 Sep 2018, 08:03 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

-Fuel cost from 90 to 80.
-Flanking Speed from veterancy 2 to Veterancy 0
-HE Shot removed

Since the unit now is more designed as "flanker" (cheap high speed) one should remove the HVAP from the unit (a ability that allow to frontally penetrate enemy armor) and move Flaking speed to vet 1 since its an ability similar to "Blitzkrieg" . Alternately one could limit the HVAP shots to 1.

The vet bonuses should also be look at since:
+20% rotation, +20% speed, +20% ac/de-celeration plus +10% max speed, +60% acceleration and deceleration from flanking speed on already fast unit (Speed: 7 Accel: 3.2 Rotate: 32) are simply over the top and will reintroduce the issues with crushing infantry.

Max speed 9.24, acceleration 6.15

Vet bonus could replaced by penetration bonuses, sight bonus maybe HP bonuses or target size bonuses.

The combination of such a fast unit and Thompson will also lead to cheesy tactics like disembarking next to packs.
27 Sep 2018, 08:15 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

The combination of such a fast unit and Thompson will also lead to cheesy tactics like disembarking next to packs.

That's pretty much the only purpose of the live ability.
27 Sep 2018, 08:27 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

Here's an overview of all my feedback on OKW's Elite Armor doctrine.

First of all, great job so far. This commander is really shaping up to be a very good one.

Elite Armor

[0 CP] 221 / 223
  • Great addition to the OKW faction roster. Helps OKW counter MG and sniper strats and offers lots of utility.
  • I think the cost should be adjusted to 200MP/20FU, in comparison to OST's 222 (200MP/30FU). 223 upgrade can be increased to 120MP/10FU to keep total cost for the mobile cache the same.
  • Rather than the 25% durability bonus at vet4, I would propose the ability to engage aircraft (vet4). This would help OKW with T3 (mech) strats with some mobile AA.
  • The healing is nice but the stack of 3x crates makes it awkward to use on the front lines (you rarely need more than one crate). It would be much more practical if it drops one crate at a time or can select a squad for healing (like OST's medkits). 15-20MU per crate/heal.

[4 CP] Emergency Repairs
  • This ability is in a really good spot right now. Low cost and quite a significant yield. Very useful to get vehicles back into battles a bit faster.

[7 CP] HEAT Shells
  • Great ability, good as it is.

[8 CP] Panzer Commander
  • Good overhaul, ability is really useful now and definitely worth the trade with pintle mount.

[11 CP] Sturmtiger
  • Unit is in a pretty decent spot right now, but requires some Quality Of Life improvements:
  • Please have a look at its veterancy requirements, they seem way too high. When used in its intended role against infantry it barely gains any veterancy.
  • Buff vet1 ability or replace it with something more useful. Perhaps -20% aiming time or a smoke launcher.
  • Decrease range on hull MG so it doesn't fire at max range and reveals the Sturmtigers position (spoiling the element of surprise) before it can fire the rocket.
  • Please consider removing light cover collision from the rocket. This unit is already very micro heavy and clumsy to use, and after going through all the trouble of manually reloading and planning the next attack it's very annoying when the rocket detonates prematurely just because there was a small bush or fence in the way. If this isn't possible, decrease the random scatter a bit so avoiding cover with the shot is actually in the player's control.
27 Sep 2018, 08:39 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2018, 08:15 AMLago

That's pretty much the only purpose of the live ability.

In live Thompson are 90 munition, M-10 are 90 fuel and flank speed is vet 2.

This tactic become allot more easy to use in the patch.
27 Sep 2018, 08:51 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

If they're keeping the ability they might as well make it able to do its job.

Personally I think Elite Crews should simply be ditched.
27 Sep 2018, 09:41 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2018, 08:51 AMLago
If they're keeping the ability they might as well make it able to do its job.

Personally I think Elite Crews should simply be ditched.

I wouldn't describe the the job or "elite crews" to allow m-10 to counter ATG, but that is just me.

I would rather have it add an extra utility vet bonus for tanks.
27 Sep 2018, 09:50 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Why are we giving USF elite crews better repairs to the faction that already has the best repairs? :facepalm:

Combined with a dozer that gains a 0.80 damage reduction at vet 2 that can now reach sooner due to higher XP gain.
27 Sep 2018, 12:59 PM
avatar of Cyra

Posts: 19

That's a point. Maybe concrete bunker 3 pop and soviet repair-station 2 pop?

I thought all bunkers and repair stations didn't cost pop at all.

I would love to see Concrete Bunkers being an upgrade for the standard bunker, you just build the normal bunker, upgrade it to what you want and then you could 'reinforce' it with an upgrade to concrete.

That or make it worth the 300 Manpower to use really. In 2v2 its repair upgrade is pretty helpful for an OKW ally who doesn't want to retreat their Tiger from the front all the way back to his/her Mechanized HQ; but seeing how its only available to the Defense Doctrine and nothing else; it can be easily over looked or missed by most, me thinks.
27 Sep 2018, 13:26 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Urban defense commander from design point of view.

The commander thematically seems to designed for specific maps with houses.

When changing the commander one has to consider if the commander is designed as a 1vs1 or more of support commander in 2vs2 games and above.

Forward head quartets (CP 2)

M-42 45 mm AT gun (CP 2)

Shock troops (CP 2)

Booby Trap territory (CP 6)

KV-2 Heavy assault tank (CP 14)

With the current changes the commander seem to hit a spike at CP 2 by gaining forward healing, elite infantry and ATGs.

In addition the KV-2 allows the commander to invest fuel on forward healing, stop teching at T3 and still be in little disadvantage since he can relay on KV-2.

So the commander can apply allot of pressure at CP-2 and still have strong late game.

FHQ the ability is strong but situational because it requires suitable buildings. Maybe the FHQ upgrade should repair some of the damage to ambient buildings if they have any.
One could also provide tools in dealing with this buildings like abilities to vehicles with flame weapon to set them on fire.

Auras imo one should reconsider the aura and especially applying it to allied troops something that was removed from other auras. The aura could become a timed ability.

The problem with aura can easily go out hand when multiply auras apply like the "inspiration" from KV-2 (or other in team games like combined arm, command vehicle, advance cover, hold the line, heroic charge etch.)

The reinforcement post is simply way to cheap and accessible especially with Soviet faction design and access to elite infantry and to no tech ATG, Ostheer would need 300 mp and 120 MU for the same while OKW would allot more. I have to point out although fuel my set the tech back mu set back in DPS in mid game and even become more important in big modes and late game.

M-42 the unit should be designed as stop gap and currently is simply OP for cost. (will go into units in another thread)

booby trap would be better to become dot damage so it can delay capping. Maybe move to infantry since currently need little micro to use and lots of micro to counter.

KV-2 simply does not belong to the commander. Having a FHQ protect by KV-2 apply 2 aura to units like shock troops and PTRS penals that can sprint to use satchel and have increased DPS due to cooldown is simply asking for trouble.

Call-in vehicles are also bad for the commander since the no tech access to vehicles counterweight the investment in fuels for HQ access.

The commander could use a strong off map like IL-2 bombing or an ability that increased DPS of garrison troops and/or increased DPS when firing on garrisoned troops that fit the commander thematically.

(will edit for typos when I get chance)
27 Sep 2018, 13:51 PM
avatar of JibberJabberJobber

Posts: 1614 | Subs: 3

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2018, 13:26 PMVipper

Wow, please do more overviews like this. Good food for thought.
27 Sep 2018, 13:53 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Wow, please do more overviews like this. Good food for thought.

Thank you for reading and replying to my rather long post. I am glad that you found it helpful.
27 Sep 2018, 14:08 PM
avatar of Osinyagov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 1389 | Subs: 1

Glad to see, that soviet M4A2(76)W got same buffs as american M4A3(76)W. Really like it!
27 Sep 2018, 15:17 PM
avatar of madin2

Posts: 203

Just tested the British Artillery Commander and especially the Valentine feels still weak, in my opinion in need one further buff either better ai capabilities, come at 4 cp as an alternative to the AEC, become cheaper -> 60 fuel or get better vetrancy bonuses like faster firing and better accuracy.
27 Sep 2018, 15:38 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2018, 12:59 PMCyra

I thought all bunkers and repair stations didn't cost pop at all.

I would love to see Concrete Bunkers being an upgrade for the standard bunker, you just build the normal bunker, upgrade it to what you want and then you could 'reinforce' it with an upgrade to concrete.

That or make it worth the 300 Manpower to use really. In 2v2 its repair upgrade is pretty helpful for an OKW ally who doesn't want to retreat their Tiger from the front all the way back to his/her Mechanized HQ; but seeing how its only available to the Defense Doctrine and nothing else; it can be easily over looked or missed by most, me thinks.


But there is still the concern left with the Bunkers just sweetening the deal with the Pak 43 while the Pak 43 itself is still ultra vulnerable, so you're basically getting only a 50% effective ability taking up a commander slot, that is shared by multiple commanders.

The Pak 43's survivability should be somehow improved in my opinion not just for this commander but for all others as well because right now it's just wasting a commander slot while only being effective only around 20-30% of the time if not less.

I mean even the AI is not dumb enough to leave it alone, they nuke it with everything they got once they find it.

I've found a bit more success with the 17 pounder tho, largely thanks to it's emplacement. My only problem is that it's big and it takes up my population cap and is generally just useless once the fighting has moved on and is nowhere near the gun, I have no idea why they removed the simple "Delete" button, at least give it a self-destruct ability like the OKW trucks before.
27 Sep 2018, 17:18 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Ostheer Defensive Doctrine:

- Osttruppen feel like a good fit. So do Pak 43 + Concrete Bunkers. Not sure about Stug E. Maybe this needs to be replaced with something else because it doesn´t seem to fit the theme of the doctrine at all. Maybe give it some sort of late-game unit/ability instead.

OKW Overwatch
- I tested it in 1v1 before and it worked well. It´s probably going to be decent in 2v2 too. 3v3+ though it still isn´t viable. Only Lefh is useful.

UKF arty regiment

- sexton is in a good spot now. Sapper snare is a good design

27 Sep 2018, 17:21 PM
avatar of RoastinGhost

Posts: 416 | Subs: 1

I was just thinking- if Sappers end up with their snares, Tank Hunter Sections should get their upgrades back
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